Chapter 11

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I apologize for updating so late, it was a bit hectic with school and I also had Covid, I also had to prepare for a test that I am positive no one finished. No one reached the essay question at the end! Anyways, hope you enjoy this chapter, it might be a bit sloppy though.

October 10, 1991

A lot has happened with our young protagonist in the space of a month. Hermione is now a permanent part of the group, along with the Weasley twins and Neville. Charles just finished his month-long detentions and Ron Weasley us still as annoying as ever.

Today is the first Quidditch match if the season. Flint has been training the team quite vigorously and in any weather. Harry would come back to the Common Room drenched and exhausted. But, like everyone says, practice pays off.

Harry was in the air, circling above everyone. He was idly looking around while watching the match itself. Slytherin had a good lead on Gryffindor with 50-10. Then, he saw the Snitch.

He dived for it, but, as he came closer, he was rammed out if nowhere by the Gryffindor Seeker, Cormac McLaggen. Harry spun away, only just managing to stay on the broom as Madame Hooch blew on her whistle for a penalty shot to Slytherin. But the Snitch was lost, so he went back to his vantage point.

A few minutes later, a strange feeling rise up in him. A feeling that something was about to happen to him. As he wondered what had caused such a feeling, he felt a surge if magic sweep over him, and the next thing he knew, his broom was trying to buck him off. He held on for dear life as he felt another surge of magic, slightly weaker, go across his frame, trying to counteract the other magic.

As Harry held on for fear of falling to his death, Draco saw what was happening, and soon after, everyone in the crowd grew worried, then that worry turned into terror as Harry was flipped off his broom, dangling only by his hands. Draco could hear Hermione screaming next to him. Theo took Pansy's binoculars and looked towards the teacher's stand.

"There! Quirrel is doing something to Harry's broom, he won't take his eyes off of him!" Hermione looked at him, now calmer, incredulously. A teacher trying to bring harm to a student? But she took them from him and saw for herself that it was true. She also saw Professor Snape muttering, no doubt trying to counter Quirrel's curse. Something was off about Quirrel though, but she couldn't put her finger on it. She quickly put that notion aside as she handed the binoculars Draco.

"Wait here. I think I know how to make him break eye contact," she left her spot and went to the teacher's stand. Pulling out her wand, she cast a spell. The Bluebell Flame charm, to be exact.

"Lacarnum Inflamare."

Once it lit up, she scurried back from the stand. She heard screams and stamping, heard from a staff member and Quirrel respectively. She smirked in satisfaction and went back to her seat beside Draco, going unnoticed by any teacher.

Draco saw that Harry's broom was no longer trying to kill him and heaved a sigh of relief when Harry got back onto his broom. The crowd also heaved a sigh of relief as they saw that he was out of immediate danger. He felt Hermione slip in next to him and he turned to her, eyebrow raised in a silent question. When she just smirked, he shook his head and went back to watching Harry like a hawk.

Suddenly, Harry dove again. This time, it was a much steeper dive and shrieks were heard from all around. He tumbled off his broom and he looked to be... gagging?

"Looks as if he's gonna be sick," Theo commented worriedly.

Something shiny came out onto his hand. They needn't have worried as Harry held up the shiny object in his hand with a grin on his face.

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