Chapter 1

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I don't own Harry Potter, credits go to the rightful owner, J. K. Rowling.

October 31, 1981

"It's him! Lily, take the twins and run! I'll hold him off!" James yelled. Lily grabbed Hadrian and Charles and rushed up the stairs. She heard yelling and a thud. She ran into the nursery and, after seeing the twins into the cribs, barricaded the door with as much furniture as she could. As she stood in front of the cribs, shielding the twins, the door was blasted open.

"Step aside girl and I shall leave you be," Voldemort rasped, his wand pointed lazily at her.

"Never! You will not take my babies from me!" she yelled, tears streaming down her face.

Voldemort sighed. If it weren't for the request made by one of his most elite, she would be dead by now. It would have seemed odd if he let the girl live and not her husband as he is a pureblood. His followers would start to doubt his motives and he did not want that happening. So he stunned her just as he did to James Potter. Lily's body was blasted to the side and her body crumpled, unconscious. He did not have time to deal with those annoying maternal instincts. He crossed the nursery towards the cribs and he wondered which one is the one prophesied to defeat him.

He looked at the first crib, which was decorated with scarlet and gold, much to his distaste. Charles James Potter if Pettigrew's information was correct. He had red hair that was untameable even at 15 months. His eyes were muddy brown in colour and were small and dull. There was a small plaque on the front of the crib that said the child's name and date if birth, 30th of July, 1980. In a small, detached part of his brain, Voldemort wondered why the plaques were there with a date of birth. Probably some stupid thing the Potters wanted to do. This child was currently wailing in all his glory and Voldemort looked at him, disgusted. THIS can not be the child to defeat me, he thought. He turned to the other crib which was surprisingly decorated with green and silver. But that's not what caught his attention.

This child was opposite to his elder twin in every way possible. He had black silky hair that lay on his head in a nice messy way. His eyes however, were what took his breath away. Green eyes that were so bright that they reminded him if the Killing Curse. Instead of wailing though, the child was looking at him with interest. Voldemort saw his name on the plaque. Hadrian Severus Potter. Must be Severus's godchild seeing as Hadrian shares his name. He was a little unsettled by the child's staring. It was as if his soul were being stared at. He then shook off these fanciful notions. He noticed that this child, basically radiated power. This is the one.

"I'm sorry child," he said, and it was a genuine 'sorry'. He had no wish to kill a child with this much power, but alas, it had to be done. He uttered the words that had killed so many.

"Avada Kedavra!"
But, as the spell flew towards the child, something strange happened. A golden shield had appeared, surrounding Hadrian and his brother, causing the spell to ricochet.

His eyes widened in shock and, due to this shock, was unable to move as the curse struck him. He let out an agonized cry as he turned into a wraith. Unbeknownst to him, a piece of his already damaged soul ripped off and embedded itself into Hadrian's lightning-bolt shaped scar. It appeared when the Killing Curse struck the shield. Hadrian then passed out from pain and exhaustion. The rebound had caused a small cave in, damaging the nursery. A piece of the falling debris scratched Charles's cheek, making a V-shaped scar, causing him to wail even louder. How he was still wailing is a mystery, his voice should have been sore!


Sirius Black was in Grimmauld Place. He felt as if something was going to go wrong. He became pale as he realised that he knew where Godric's Hollow was. He rushed out if Grimmauld Place and apparated. He found the upper storey of the house in ruins, where the nursery was. He rushed inside and saw James on the floor. He checked his neck, feeling for a pulse. He let out a breath that he didn't know he was holding. He took out his wand and cast a spell.

James slowly sat up, blinking. Then he remembered and yelled,
The two ran up the stairs to find her on the ground. Sirius performed the same procedure as he did with James and she woke up. They looked towards the twins and picked them up. Lily soothed Charles while James held Hadrian. Just then, Dumbledore came in.

"Headmaster, which one defeated him?" James asked. Hadrian was now awake.
"It would seem that, as young Charles here has a scar, he is the Boy Who Lived," Dumbledore announced, completely ignoring Hadrian's scar. James gave Hadrian to Sirius and went over to croon at Charles. Sirius then asked about Hadrian, changing his arms' position to make Hadrian more comfortable.

"His core is almost depleted, he is basically a squib. It is probably from the magical backlash," Dumbledore answered. He of course, was lying. Hadrian's core was larger than the average baby's and he suspected that it would grow.

"Oh my poor baby! He won't be able to do magic!" Lily sobbed. James soothed her, saying that they will still look after him.

During all of this, Hadrian was confused. His core was just fine, he was the one who took out the bad man, not Charles. So why were they holding him and not Hadrian? He snuggled into Sirius's arms, though, comforted by his warmth. Soon he fell asleep in his arms.


Hello people! This is my first fanfic so please, I wouldn't mind some constructive criticism on how I should write this! I am going to post once a week, probably on a Saturday or a Sunday.
Hope you enjoy this!

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