Chapter 2

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July 30, 1991

Overtime, Hadrian's parents had slowly forgotten about him. It wasn't bad at first, just always a second choice to Charles. It went on for a bit until they were ignorant of his pleas to be held by them. Later on, they would forget to call him down to eat when he was five. The house elves would then bring him food. He had a personal elf, Tippy. She was like a mother to him, fussing over him and scolding him. She was his favourite elf. He was nice to all of the house elves, unlike the rest of his family. Then there were his uncles and godfather.

Remus was quiet and shared Hadrian's love for books. Hadrian had learnt to read at the age of five with Remus, which is how their shared love of books came about. Ever since, he spent a lot of time in the library. Sirius was a prankster and always found a way to make Hadrian laugh no matter what mood he was in. He would tell Hadrian stories about the adults' time in Hogwarts. His godfather was none other than the youngest Potions Master, Severus Snape. Hadrian loved him and Severus, who Hadrian calls Uncle Sev, loves him, though he would never admit it. Hadrian could often be found helping Uncle Sev with his potions whenever he could. At other times they would sit down and Hadrian would listen to Sev's stories about his godbrother, Draco Malfoy. Hadrian couldn't wait to meet him.

Currently, he was in his room in the west wing of Potter Manor. It was abandoned, so the Potters never found him there. He was practising his magic at the moment. As wizarding children can't own a wand until they are eleven, he had to resort to wandless magic. It was a bit harder, but he was able to do it. Practicing his magic helps keep him calm and focused along with his Occlumency, which Sirius taught him.

Hadrian had an eidetic memory, which was why he was able to learn things so quickly. Sometimes it was a blessing, like when he was studying spells and whatnot, but at other times it was an obvious curse, like when he was sleeping. He gets dreams of that night.

That night was a constant reminder as to why he was being neglected by his family, and wrongfully so; it haunts him every day. So he needed a way to release his anger so as not to blow up at an unsavoury moment. That's where his Occlumency and wandless magic came in.

He was practising the Draconifers spell. As the name would suggest, he is able to conjure a small dragon for a certain amount of time. He had just gotten a Chinese Fireball to form for about ten seconds when Tippy popped in.

"Master Hadrian, yous need to be eating lunch," she stated, pointing her finger at Hadrian accusingly. He looked at her a bit sheepishly. He hadn't realised the time and was late for lunch. Tippy was very particular about his eating habits as he normally forgot to eat whilst practising a spell.

"Sorry Tippy. Can you bring it to the library?"
"Tippy shall do that," she said, and popped out. He closed his advanced Transfiguration book and went to the library. He took a shortcut to the library which also served as a hidden route from the rest of the Potters. He put the book back on the shelf and went to get a DADA book. He searched the shelves and found what he was looking for. He sat down and started reading when Tippy came back with his food.

"Thank you, Tippy."

She popped out and Hadrian ate. After eating he read the book, which was on theory, for a bit before retiring to his room. He stayed there for the rest of the day, practising his magic, eating dinner, then back to practising. When nightfall came, he went into his mindscape and worked on his Occlumency shields before going to sleep.

Hadrian Severus Potterजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें