Chapter 1

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The whole place was quiet like a graveyard as the only sound that could be heard was the moving sound of the clock hung on the wall. Omar was standing anxiously at the library waiting for Kabir because he couldn’t wait to receive the birthday gift he got for him. He was very happy and eager at the same time as he sat on one of the library seats waiting for his best friend.
He suddenly has a changed of expression and became worried instantly. “What sort of gift would make Kabir choose such a quiet place?” He asked himself curiously. The library is very much disserted, there were no students because it is the last day of school; everyone are done with their papers and are heading home already. He was still sitting on the seat thinking when he heard footsteps from behind him. He was about turning when the person grabbed him tightly from behind.
“Don’t panic Omar. It is me, Kabir.” He said still hugging him. Omar exhaled and giggled a little. “Do you have to walk in like a thief?” He asked as he turned slowly and faced Kabir who was looking so tensed. He giggled and adjusted himself. “What do you have for me Kabir? I don’t have much time; my driver will soon be here to pick me up.” Omar added looking at Kabir.
Kabir sighed deeply and grabbed Omar’s hands as he moved closer to him. “I don’t know how to start saying this Omar but I will just make it simpler. We have been friends since when we were kids and now, we will soon be leaving high school. I don’t know what is wrong with me lately Omar, but I don’t think I want you to be my friend anymore. I want to have something more intimate with you. I want to make this our last years of high school the best of our days.” He said looking at Omar.
Omar is already staring at Kabir confusedly. Kabir holds Omar’s hands tightly again. “I know this will sound strange to you Omar, but it is stranger to me. I just want you to know that I love you. It might sound stupid but I really mean it. I don’t want an answer from you right away, I want you to take your time during this break and think about it, and if you feel the same towards me, let’s have a new beginning by next term.” Kabir said as he moved closer and placed a kiss on Omar’s lips.
The confused boy stood lifeless with his eyes wide opened as Kabir continued kissing him. He kissed him for almost five minutes before he slowly moved back. Omar was still standing confused when the door to the library opened, his little brother rushed in while shouting his name. “Omar, the driver is waiting for us.” The boy said and rushed out again. Omar sluggishly walked out of the library without saying a word to Kabir because he is totally confused at this stage.
He knew he always has deep feelings for Kabir but he never thought that was love. He is even more confused as Kabir came out to him. He didn’t even know what to call this and how to interpret it. This is scary because all his life, he grew up in a home where his religion is against what Kabir is calling him into. He is sure this won’t be over when his father finds out.
Omar closed his eyes tightly as he rolled on the bed, all he could see was the image of their kissing scene with Kabir. He exhaled loudly because he is getting stressed out already. He is not even sure of what to do at all; he can’t interpret his feelings right now. He is sure that he didn’t hate Kabir for kissing him. To be honest, he liked it to some extent. But then, a voice deep down his heart keeps on haunting him.
“What if your father finds out? What will you tell them? How will you explain kissing a guy? You clearly know that is against your culture and religion right?” The inner voice keeps on throwing series of questions on Omar. He is totally confused and stressed at this point because this is throwing him in a dilemma and making him question his sexuality…
The tick-tock sound of dripping water coming through the windows caught his attention as he slightly lay on the bed. He slowly opened his eyes as the little rays of sun piercing through the window shined on his face. The weather is still chilly as it just finished raining and the streets were still calm. That’s the nature of a typical northern setting in the evening. Everywhere will be calm because parents here believed kids should be restricted from going out once it Magrib (evening prayer).
The sounds of prayers that were being called from every angle of the city made him open his eyes clearly. He slowly sat up on the bed as he stared at the picture hung on the wall. It is a picture of an Asian celebrity, probably from Thailand. The door knocked strongly and he sluggishly stood up and opened it. “It is prayer time Omar, father is waiting for us.” His junior brother said as he turned and stormed off to the living room. He sighed and banged off the door as he walked to the bathroom. “Not another time to listen to sinners calling others sinners.” He said as he began performing ablution.
“My name is Omar; I am a young boy of 15years. Growing up in the Northern part of Nigeria where religion, culture and tradition are predominantly the order of living is a stressful life for a young boy with complicated feelings like me. My world is slowly crumbling because of series of thoughts about a hidden mystery. I have no idea of what is becoming of me, I have no explanations to the changes currently taking place in my life and I have no answers to pile of questions hanging up in my mind.”
“I am nothing but currently a confused boy who has his life staggering and moving awkwardly because of fear. I couldn’t even find a suitable explanation to these feelings, even if I do; who do I talk to? My life is currently just a mess because I don’t know how to approach it. Living in homophobic society where I have to listen to judgments everyday about homosexuals is freaking me out. I am scared of accepting myself in this situation. I am scared of these people and there judgments.” Omar keeps to thinking to himself as they were all seated on a mat together with his family.
The sound of the television caught the attention of everyone in the room as they all turned and stare at it. “And that was how the judge in the Shari’ah court of Kano state sentenced the three young men who were guilty of homosexuality to death by stoning.” The reporter who was casting the news said.
Alhaji Nuhu exhaled loudly as he slowly sipped his glass of water. “I don’t know what Kano state is turning in to. These people are everywhere, initiating other innocent people into their dirty acts.” He said looking pissed off. He sighed and drop the glass as he faces the television again.
Omar who was already shocked and looking pale stared at the television without even blinking an eye. He was panting and breathing heavily. He quickly dropped his spoon and stood up. “Excuse me mom. I will use the rest room.” He said still looking fragile as he walked up to his room.
They all stared at him as he walked away. Hajiya, his mother giggled a bit and stared at him till he disappears. “Is it only me or do you also noticed that Omar has changed these days?” She asked looking at Alhaji Nuhu.
Alhaji Nuhu sighed deeply. “I also observed that about him, he has been acting cold lately. That is so unlike him.” He said as he continued his meal. Khalil, Omar’s junior brother quickly chipped in the conversation. “I also don’t know what is wrong with him baba, he is not playing video games like before. He prefers staying on his bed and always going through his phone.” The little boy said looking worried.
Hajiya exhaled loudly and dropped her spoon as she stood and walked to the fridge. “I am seriously worried about Omar. I think he is not comfortable with his current school. His teacher called last week and complained about him being retained.” She lamented while bringing a drink from the fridge. Alhaji Nuhu sat quietly for a while. He didn’t say a word till he finished eating his food.
He slowly adjusted himself on the mat and faced Hajiya. “Do you think we should send him to Lagos State to attend his SS2? He can take his exams there also, have a change of environment and also make new friends.” Alhaji suggested staring at Hajiya.
She was looking extremely happy with Alhaji’s decision. “Yes, that will surely make Omar happy. I am sure he will like the idea because he always wanted to travel to Lagos.” She said as she quickly stood up alongside Alhaji Nuhu.
“Then you should let him know to get his stuff ready. I will book a flight for him immediately when I am out.” He said as he walked out of the house. Hajiya walked him to the door looking so happy.
At least she knows her son will have the chance to travel around the country since that is part of his hobby. Omar has always wanted to travel to Lagos state but his father keeps on using school as an excuse. It is surely a golden opportunity for him to explore right now.
“What? Why would you guys make such a decision without consulting me? And travelling in such a short time; who does that in their final year of school?” Omar stormed out at his mother. She was surprised at his reaction because as long as she knows, the boy always loved to travel. How would it be possible for him to reject such offer? She stared at him confusedly as he kept on exhaling loudly.
“Calm down my dear, your father has already made the necessary preparations and I am sure he has called your uncle already. You shouldn’t worry about this Omar. You will surely be fine.” She said trying to console him. He sighed deeply and moved closer to his mom. He is already looking so worried as his bright skin becomes pale instantly.
“There is no way this would work for me mom. How do you expect me to live my home behind, my life and friends to another place? How would I cope and adjust? Do you even think about how I would make friends?” He asked looking so worried. Hajiya grabbed his hands and hold them so tightly.
“I am sorry if this wasn’t what you wanted Omar. We only do this out of care for you because you have been looking depressed these days. We just want you to have a change of environment.” She said as she slowly stood up and walked to the door. She slowly turned and faced the poor boy whose eyes were already watery. “Start arranging your stuff Omar. Your flight will be tomorrow morning.” She added as she walked out of the room.
Omar sighed deeply and laid back on the bed looking so worried. His face was already soaked in tears. He wasn’t crying because he didn’t want to travel to Lagos but because it will never be easy for him to adjust and adapt to life over there. “How would he start making new friends in the new school?” He asked himself looking so worried.
That is not even the most troubling question in the poor boy’s mind, the fact that he is trying to accept his feelings for Kabir is troubling him the most. This sudden relocation will not bring any good to his life. He quickly jumped off his bed and picked his phone as he begins calling Kabir but unfortunately, he couldn’t reach him. He kept on trying for a while but the number is still not reachable.
The only solution left for him at this moment is to leave a letter to Kabir which he would hopefully wait for his reply. He quickly walked to his study table and picked a paper as he begins writing to Kabir.
“Dear Kabir…”
“It is with an utmost sadness and bitterness I wrote this letter to you. I am sure by the time you will receive this piece, I would have been in Lagos state already. It is very annoying that I will have to leave at this point when it is more important for me to stay behind and talk with you, but unfortunately, I won’t be able to do that.
I have a lot of questions running through my mind Kabir. A lot of things have been happening to me since that fateful day in the library. A lot of strange feelings have developed in my mind and I have no idea how to tackle them. I don’t know how to answer those questions popping up in my head because I have never imagined them happening to me.
Never the less, I must confess that you are one of the best friends I have had in my life, I know I always loved you as a brother throughout our years of growing together, but this recent incidence is making me question myself and my feelings for you. I don’t know how to explain them but I am sure I liked every bit of it.
I wish I could stay back and explore this new phase together with you Kabir, but my family have already decided. I hope I will get to hear from you soon and I hope you will be able to bear my absence. Thank you for love and care. Thank you for support and friendship. Thank you for everything Kabir. Until we meet again.”
“Yours beloved friend; Omar!”
“Stephen. Stephen. Come back and drop that car.” Mrs. Sylvester shouted from her apartment as she was calling out her mischievous son. She quickly walked out of her flat and stood by the room, watching the boy as he drove the car of the house.
“Good bye mom, I won’t stay long.” He said as he zoomed off. She hissed as she stood with her hands on her waist. “I would surely call your dad; he shouldn’t have bought this car for you.” She said looking worried.
She was about walking back into the house when she noticed her friend from the next building loading off boxes from her car. She quickly walked to the short wired fence and called out her name. “Mrs. Lawal.” She called as she leaned on the wall connecting the two houses.
Mrs. Lawal slowly turned and waved at Mrs. Sylvester. She waved back with a smile. “Where are you heading under this hot sun with loads? Don’t tell me you are travelling out without informing us.” She asked looking curious.
Mrs. Lawal giggled a little as she walked closer. “Oh come on my dear, there is nothing of such. I just picked up my husband’s nephew from the airport.” She said as she also leaned by the wall close to her friend.
She sighed slowly and turned to Omar who was busy loading off his bags from the car. “He came from Kano state to complete his high school here. His parents are worried because he has been depressed for the past few days so they suggested a change of environment.” She added also looking worried. She quickly turned to Omar and called him. “Just get in to the house and take a rest, the driver will take care of the luggage.” She said looking at him.
He slowly walked in to the house as they both stared at him till he walked away. “Poor boy, I am sure something is wrong with him.” Mrs. Sylvester said staring at her friend. “Well, I just hope he gets better.” Mrs. Lawal said as she exhaled loudly.
“Why don’t you enroll him to Stephen’s school? They are age mates, I am sure that will help the boy’s recovery and he will get to adjust quickly.” Mrs. Sylvester suggested looking at Mrs. Lawal who seems to have welcomed the idea. “Then I will talk to my husband so he can make the arrangements.” She said as she slowly turned and walked to her house.
Omar sighed deeply as he lay on the spacious bed in his room. He was staring at the room from every angle. The room is very large, with enough furniture to sustain him. Life wouldn’t be easy for him in Lagos which he is certain of, but he just have to gather all the pieces of him and move on. His only set back at the moment is the fact that he is still battling with his feelings.
He exhaled loudly as he picked up his phone and logged into his Twitter page. It has been long he posted something regarding to his life on social media platforms but he feels he should be socially active to help himself move on. “Welcome to a new phase Omar…” He posted as he dropped the phone and jumped to the bathroom…

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