Chapter 3

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Across the restaurant, ended up being one seat away from Todd and Austin at the bar. Jennifer's breath caught at the site of Austin again. Had he become more gorgeous since that afternoon? His jacket was off, and she could see the muscles flexing in his back as he laughed at something Todd said. He was probably an arrogant jerk, too. Selena slid into the seat closest to Todd, who grinned like a kid who stole the last cookie when he saw them. He hustled over to pull Jennifer's chair out for her.

"Sorry I didn't tell you we were leaving, Jenny." If she didn't know him better, Jennifer might have thought he sounded like he meant it. "One thing led to another, and I had to reward Austin for making it through such a boring day!"

A non-boring day for Todd was a customer cussing out the shoe manager while he got to go in a save the day. Or a corporate visit when they told him he was still the top store in the region. Anytime he was lauded, it was considered a great day. A regular old Tuesday would never cut it for Todd.

"That's all right," Jennifer said, reminding herself of her tuition goal. "I didn't know that Austin was a transfer and doesn't even need to do new hire paperwork."

"He doesn't?" Todd grinned again and yelled around Selena, "Yah, hear that, Austin? Jenny here says you don't have to do any paperwork because you're transferring from Nashville."

"Nashville?" Selena exclaimed what Jennifer was thinking. How had she missed that southern twang?

"Yessiree, Austin, here is my cousin's boy," Todd said walking over and putting his arm around the younger man.

Jennifer studied them side-by-side and could see the resemblance in height, dark eyes, and enough confidence to sweep the entire cosmetic department off their feet. She immediately felt silly for even caring what Austin thought of her. He could have any girl in the store. Besides, she wasn't there for love. She was there to do her job and get her tuition.

"Well, welcome to St. Louis, Austin!" Selena said raising her glass and they all toasted. "It's going to be a cold Christmas for you."

"I'm looking forward to it, ma'am," Austin said after taking a swig of his whiskey.

"Oh, no, you can't call me ma'am!" She looked truly horrified. "Call me, Selena, honey, even my son's girlfriends do."

"Okay, Selena and Jennifer," Austin said, and Jennifer's heart traitorously leaped when she heard him add her name. "I'll already know two names when I start tomorrow on the floor."

"And have two friends." Selena's smile showed she meant it.

"I'll still need you to sign your paperwork in the morning," Jennifer said hating how dorky she sounded. She pushed a strand of hair that had come loose from her bun out of her face. She should have at least let her hair down literally before they came, if not figuratively. "But that shouldn't take long."

"I'm looking forward to it," Austin said with a grin, and she about choked on an ice cube.

"Great," she squeaked and hoped it was too dark in the restaurant to show her cheeks reddening. She realized it was the exact same thing he said to Selena about the weather, but there was a look in his eye that made her excited. She had to get ahold of herself. This is why she didn't talk to hot guys!

"What about training?" Austin asked but before Jennifer could answer, Todd was back from ordering more chips and salsa.

"I will be training you on the floor tomorrow and you can learn all the office stuff later from Jenny," Todd said waving vaguely in her direction. "The most important thing right now is sales. And I saw you were the top-selling associate of menswear in the southeast. You're going to smash it here; I know it!"

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