chapter -20

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Namjoon made Yeon sit on the chair beside them. he crouched down infront placing his hands on Yeon's hand which was now resting on her lap

Everyone presented in the room was shocked by his action.

It was more than normal for them. He often do that for forgiveness and that too with yeon only

"Sweetheart it's been a week I'm sorry and I miss you so much please stop ignoring me- ignoring us" namjoon pleaded but Yeon doesn't seems to bother and he understands something suddenly

"Want to have a talk? I know you love to talk and you know i love to listen to you so pretty please my boba " he asked with so much hope but didn't show and here we go she nodded and stood up

Other three were confused about the situation and don't know what is happening

"Oops- did I forget something" namjoon whispered to Yeon, who just nodded

He cleared his throat, stood up fixing his coat turned around to face the principal and the duo

"ahem yeah I came here as Yeon's brother and also as a chairperson. First of all Mr.Ren don't take any action before know about what exactly happened and kindly check the CCTV to clear the misunderstanding and Mr.Liang should I apologise to you? i don't think I should because I believe my sister,she is not the type of person who bully kids just for fun and hope you will teach some respect and not to show your power and rich self to your daughter and yourself before I show what actually a powerful rich person can do " namjoon said politely yet coldly glaring at the father daughter duo before diverting his attention to his sister

He held her wrist "I'm taking her with me" he informed to the principal who nodded hurry trying to talk " sorry for the inconveniences Mr.Kim" he bowed to Namjoon who don't even mind to look behind

They both walked on the hallway students were on the either side clicking pics of the hot handsome man with Yeon they amused how protectively he held Yeon between his arms leaving a little space students were pushing each other to see him. fortunately namjoon was wearing his mask so people doesn't seems to identify the hot CEO

The so called infamous group was standing there too passing dirty comments namjoon was loosing his patience One of the boy from the group cross his boundary by tell "see shamelessly wandering around with a cool guy shameless pieces of shit" and that's it namjoon lost his control he stopped walking Yeon stopped as well he removed his mask, many gapes were heard and students stopped pushing each other and started to whispering with each other " I'm throwing you out of this university right away get lost" namjoon spat looking at him with death glance gritting his teeth "oppa no need don't mind them" Yeon tried to calm him down which works easy because he just want to focus on his sister but surely he wants to punch the bastard until his mouth broke "I'm leaving just because of her words are else you can't feel your mouth my now" he said pulling Yeon towards the exit leaving everyone in confusion and curious State they want to know what was the relationship between the hot CEO and the beautiful girl

Namjoon and Yeon was now standing infront of Namjoon's car "i will drive you may leave joe-sii" Yeon said to Namjoon's driver who bowed without speaking anything and left

"I will drive" namjoon offered but Yeon protest not want to die so soon and sat on the driver seat,ready to ride and namjoon on the passenger seat putting his seat belt

"So you can drive?" Yeon said almost sounds like a question, starting the car namjoon facepalm "No- I don't know" he sheepishly smiled

"Are you free now? Am I disturbing you?" Yeon asked in a small voice breaking the  moment Focusing on the road yet her expression didn't change it somewhat bothers Namjoon

"Yeon you're important not my work and yeon" Namjoon called out looking at his sister's face with a worried look

"You weren't hurted anywhere right?" But get no response from Yeon

"Please answer i want to know" he requested

"Yes i was hurted and it's still hurting" was all her answer

"Stop the car- STOP" he raised his voice  which show worries Yeon stopped the car in a side corner of the road

No words only silence and the sound of other vehicles passing were heard

"you were hurted why don't you tell me first? I won't let the driver go... now let's go to the hospital" namjoon spoke breaking the brief silence

"It can't be cured by the doctors and medicine let's just go and have a talk like you said" Yeon said, blankly, with no emotions

But inside she just want to tell each and every single thing to him.. what hurts her, what she wants, the changes in her and... that she don't want them to leave her ever again

She again started driving soon the car stopped

"Reached. I will park the car, wait here" she told

"it's beach" namjoon said looking out on the window

  "Can we talk here?" Yeon asked but this time her voice was a little soft

Namjoon nodded got out of the car after a minute Yeon came back looking at her phone worried was written all over her face

"What happened sweet" namjoon asked after seeing her worried face

"N-nothing" saying that she slipped her phone inside her pocket

They both walked towards the water

"Yeon before we start I want you to forget the angry you have on me... okay?" Namjoon asked with hesitate he stopped walking after he let out these words.

Yeon looked back at him without saying anything, she continued to walk forward.


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