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Once the doctor left the room jin entered he saw yeon lying on the bed while staring at the ceiling her eyes was teary

he was about to walk forward but he noticed Yeon's phone on floor her phone was continuously ringing then it went off he picked it up and went to Yeon

He sat beside her and strokes her silver hair softly with a small smile painted on his lips "my baby" he said softly in small voice

Yeon get back to her sense once she heard her brother's voice "oppa" she widened her eyes

"did you all ate your dinner" she asked worried

"no I didn't eat others ate there dinner and went to sleep" he answered

"why didn't you eat with them sorry it's because of me" she blamed herself jin just shook his head and smiled

"did you eat something for lunch?" he questioned while looking into her eyes

"y-yeah I ate"she answered avoiding eye contact which he knows it was a lie he was about to open his mouth again Yeon's phone rings

"little one someone calling you and it's an video call " he informed as he showed her phone Yeon was about to get it but remembering her wrist she stopped and hide her hands under the duvet

"O-oppa can you please answer the call" she requested him with hesitation jin nodded he placed the phone in front of her and answered the call

"Yahh bun why don't you take the call are you okay" Irene shouted while playfully glaring at Yeon

"unnie why are you shouting my ears" Yeon said Irene giggles looking at Yeon who was smiling at her new friend

"so what's the matter you called me" Yeon asked while making her face serious which was completely funny 

"yahh baby bun stop it's not that serious just want to see you why shouldn't I call you? are you busy? " she asked

"no no I am not busy" Yeon answered calmly Irene sighs

"what about your brother did he forgave you if he don't I will talk with him for you buttercup" Irene said

 "unnie what with those nicknames and yes oppa forgiven me" Yeon told her looked at jin and smiled who returned it

"I am talking here what are you smiling at" Irene asked with a curious face

"My brother is here" Yeon informed her while the other's eyes widened

"What! Nevermind listen here Mr Yeon's brother I want you to take care of her if I get to know that your hurting my baby I won't hesitate to kill you Mr brother" she threatened him while he just look at Yeon with confused look

"Unnie enough jin oppa didn't do anything and he won't " Yeon said while show her bunny smile to both

"Okay I trust you now tell me have you eaten anything and don't try to lie"Irene questioned and gave a stren face

"N-no I still didn't eat anything" she answered while looking down

"Yahh bunny idiot you didn't eat anything for lunch too see how weak your where is your brother is he still there?" Irene asked while staring at Yeon

"Y-yeah he is here" Yeon said while looking at her glaring brother he looks so angry once he notice Yeon looking at him he looked away

"Unnie whyyy " she whined with a fake cry face

"You lied to your brother am I right now deal with it bye" she said with a smirk and hanged the call Yeon looked at her brother she well known about her brother he don't like lies still she chosen to lie she cursed herself under her breath

Jin stood up and walked away while Yeon get out from her bed and followed him like a tail

Jin went to kitchen he had his dinner he want to fed his baby but he control himself and had his dinner Yeon was standing behind him looking at him with a puppy eyes and a cute small pout on her lips she was standing there till he completes his food and again started to follow him when he started to walk towards his bedroom Yeon is still following him a sad pout

He entered his room and closed it immediately she slide on the door and curled into a ball waiting for her brother to open the door

Hours passed jin still can't sleep how can he sleep after knowing that his sister didn't eat for almost three days and he don't even give food for her then after arguing with his own mind he decided to throw his ego away and opened the door

Yeon's sleeping figure fell down when he opened the door he shook his head in disbelief while slapped his own forehead

He noticed her forehead which was covered with sweat a wave of sadness came in his heart she must suffered these two days he sighs and shook her till she wakes up from her nightmare

She slowly opened her eyes and looked at jin she suddenly stood up bowed while murmuring many sorry

Jin stood up as well and hugged her "hey it's okay but don't lie to me next time" jin comfort the little girl who was almost disappeared in his embrace

He broke the hug and took her to the dinner table and plated some food he himself fed her

After Yeon finished her dinner jin kissed her forehead they went to their own rooms


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