chapter -18

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A week passed. It's midday. right now, Yeon was in her university, taking classes. she just have a single class left that too after lunch. Now a days her rude and cold self comes out often. She can't control herself from the way she talks rudely it kinda depress, cause it was not totally her type, it's straight opposite to her own self

The dark hidden memories of hers, decide to distrub her sleep, nightmares like she is killing someone in the way people don't deserve to die, and sometimes she witnessed most worst deaths in fact she herself involved in helping a person to kill people who were seems to be innocent

She still ignoring her brothers, she wants them to suffer like she did. her heart was completely against to it telling her to talk with them and go back to her normal self but her mind was so pleasure to see them suffering Yeon started to hate herself because of it sometimes she wants to end every misunderstanding between them but don't have courage after ignoring them for a week

She never fails to visit roya. recently she got so worried about seojun her guts telling her that something wrong going to happen she miss him so much she feels like a part of her was missing and often empty without him

She don't have any one to share her feelings that's what she thinks she had to keep everything with herself which makes her life more difficult and depressed

Yeon walking in hallway heading to cafeteria. In her way she saw a group of senior consists of two girls and three boys. students don't dare to mess with them including professors, principal and workers in university also scared of them because all of their father's were good friends and working together under an powerful influencer of the country . they are not good at treating people with respect. Yeon don't like them because their attitude

That group were following one of the nerd girl in the hallway Yeon clearly know their intention Yeon slowly walk passed them but she saw the drama in the side on her eyes then, here we go again a pair of hands pushed the poor girl she fell on the floor with her glasses fell beside her that group and the people around them started to laugh at her which irritates Yeon she stopped walking but didn't turn back when the nerd girl almost yelled looking at her broken glasses "what did I do? I didn't interfere in your work nor i disturbed you then why you aiming me you all very well know that I'm studying here with my scholarship I'm not rich like you guys i don't have money to buy new glasses please leave me alone I'm begging " she joined her hands and requested tears were started to flow on her cheeks

"You little punk had brave to talk back " the short girl from that group said while closing her mouth with hands dramatically

"Seems like we need to give punishment" the guy beside the girl spoke, cracking his knuckles

After a minute Yeon heard the painful voice which was begging to stop she turn around to meet with a pity sight that nerd girl covered with her own blood while those monsters still beating her in the mid of the hallway and students were watching it like their favourite show Yeon never involved in these kind of thing she was known by many but not that famous people like her because of her kind gesture

Yeon turn back and marched towards the group of people her eyes darkened and were blood shot red she stopped in front of them "Stop." she said rudely they did as she said

Students and peoples who were passing the hallway stopped from moving they were shocked to see that someone have guts to stop the famous bullying group while the whole university is scared of that single group and moreover the girl they always used to see with a pretty smile on her face  was now emotionless and her eyes throwing daggers at the group of people present there no more warmth in her eyes no more smile in her face

"You dare to stop us?" A tall guy from the group asked as he walked towards her followed by him other 4 came forward Yeon didn't talked anything back she just looking at her nails as if she have something important in it

"Disrespectful bitch, don't your family teach you how to give respect to elders" the girl who was short than Yeon shouted and rudely grabbed Yeon's hand which Yeon was staring at

"Don't you think shouldn't I was the one to ask it" Yeon whispered coldly which added fuel to the fire

"Shut up do you know who we're if you don't know I will show you how we are" that short girl punch yeon on her face but before the punch land on Yeon's face

Yeon held her hand with her another hand and twist it behind her back and pushed her she fell down

Yeon crouched down near the nerd girl and helped her to stand then she collected the glasses frame from the floor and handled it to the nerd girl

She faced the other 4 stand in front of her with pure shock on their face and the short girl was still on the floor

"Do you know who is our-" another girl who pushed the poor nerd yelled but cut off by Yeon

"Will you stop with you're rich bratty attitude and yes i don't know your father is he is a celebrity or someone that every single person must know? And even if he is, i don't want to know about your father who don't even taught to respect others, did he taught you to bully people to show your background" Yeon said calmly yet her voice was cold her voice echoed in the silent hallway

"Enough honey you're talking to much aren't you? I will help you to close your mouth" the boy who stood silent till now said and slapped her Yeon lips started to bleed

"You shouldn't have talked about our father and made my twin sister sad you made bad decision" he said and again tried to slap her but his hands can't move Yeon held his wrist

"Why you guys want to damage my beautiful face I will kill you if something happened to my face and I don't want to beat anyone" Yeon dramatically said and tighten her grip around his wrist

"Why? are you scared that you will lose" he spoke back while struggling to remove Yeon's hand from his wrist

"No I'm Kim Yeon and will never lose to anyone" she said smirking like a maniac 

"Leave him you motherfucking bitch" his beloved sister shouted 

"Aish correct your language. I want you to request then, i will consider to leave your lovely brother" she said right now she looks like a complete heartless person

"Never" she said and helped her friend to stand who was still in the floor

"So sad you came for your sister but seems like she don't loves you " she showed her fake sad face and left him

"Apologies to her right now and take responsibility for her glasses buy new one for her" Yeon said standing beside the nerd girl they were silent

"I told to apologise" Yeon again said rudely while gritting her teeths

They apologized to the nerd girl they were very angry at Yeon from making them to apologise they never apologized to anyone it was their first time that to in front of many people they felt insulted

"And you people" she turn towards the group of people who were enjoying the show

"Put some sense to your brain stop if someone is bullying. you guys were no different from those Bullys and help her to get to the infirmary right now" Yeon glare at those people who were standing with shock faces and ordered. few came forward for the crowd they took the nerd girl to the infirmary

Then Yeon continue heading towards cafeteria with hands inside her pockets

"I will inform her to appa he will throw her out of our university" that short girl said and called her father


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