"i swear my water just broke." she repeated.

"am i really hearing what i'm hearing!" billie yelled from down stairs her voice getting clearer as she made her way to us.

"i'm literally having contractions." she told us.

"okay, okay." i tried to calm myself. "we obviously have to get you to the hospital. billie, call finneas, he'll have to meet us there." i said grabbing claudia's arm so she could lean on me as we made our way out to the car.

"is your hospital bag in the car? or do i need to get it from the house?" billie asked as i got claudia in the back seat.

"no, it's in the truck." she winced.

"breathe, in and out, don't forget to breathe." i said when i realized she was holding her breath. i put her hand on my chest in order for her to match my deep breaths. i have no idea what i'm doing.

billie put the pin into the gps and we made our way the hospital. "did finneas answer your call? is he on his way?" claudia asked billie.

"no" billie hesitantly answered.

"why didn't you tell me?" claudia began to worry. "blue get my phone and call him. he has to answer me." she instructed.

"okay." i quickly dug my hand into her purse and unlocked her phone, dialing finneas' number.

"hello mama." he answered.

"get your ass to the hospital claudia is in labor, we're on our way there right now." i said.

"how far away are you from the hospital?" he asked.

"five minutes away."

"am i on speaker? claudia i'm so sorry i'm not there, i knew i shouldn't have left you, i'm on my way now." i could here him frantically moving around.

"it's okay, just get here." she said.

"how long do you think it'll take you?" i asked.

"half an hour? that's not good, i'll try to speed my way to you." he said, you could also hear the car door shutting in the background.

"no, drive safely." claudia shook her head, her eyes shut closed.

"you just keep the baby in there." finneas said. "i have to be there, you can't let her pop out without me being there."

"i'm gonna hang up fin, drive safe okay? and get your ass here as fast as possible, baby girl looks like she wants to see the world soon." i said.

"okay, keep the phone with you i'm gonna call." he said.

"okay." i hung up.

"why the fuck didn't you tell me he didn't pick up!" claudia yelled at billie.

"i'm sorry! i freaked out and i forgot!" billie said looking at her mirrors before taking a u turn. "he's gonna be there when you give birth, chill."

"don't tell me to chill!" claudia yelled.

"i'm sorry, you're right. i'll shut up." billie said, clearly freaking out. "blue you're good at this, talk to her."

𝙍𝙀𝘿 // 𝘽𝙄𝙇𝙇𝙄𝙀 𝙀𝙄𝙇𝙄𝙎𝙃 𝙁𝘼𝙉𝙁𝙄𝘾𝙏𝙄𝙊𝙉Where stories live. Discover now