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'True love is putting someone else before yourself'- Frozen

The leader of the rouges? Sutton, you're my mate, you can't be their leader, you are already the Luna of the pack."

West protested as Sutton stepped back and looked him dead in the eye.

"And when did you realize this, was it before or after you murdered my parents, my pack?"

Alpha Sutton snarled, as all the rogue wolves gathered around snarling at Alpha West. He could see that they functioned just like a pack, ready to protect and kill for their alpha, his mate.

"You don't know the whole story. You only know the water-down version of the truth that your coward of a father fed you. What you know is pieces of the truth."

West yelled as Sutton looked him dead in the eye. 'What was he talking about?' She was there. She had witnessed his cruelty first-hand.

"So what is the fucking truth, though? What is your fucked up mind, could ever justify you massacring an entire pack?"

Sutton yelled as West walked up to her and looked at her. She was livid. Her red hair blew about and her eyes seemed to be ablaze with a fire that burned from deep within.

"You think you live in a world that's entirely black and white. That a person is either good or evil, either a hero or villain based on your point of view. Did you ever think for a moment that being a hero or a villain is completely dependent on who is telling the story?"

Alpha West asked as Sutton lifted her eyes to him. She wanted to dismiss his claims. But he was her mate, and at the very least, deserved his side of the story to be told.

"Very well then, tell your story. I will listen with as much of an open heart as I can muster. But if you cannot you must leave me this part and we can never see each other again."

Sutton said as West knew this was his one shot to tell her the truth. To get his mate to understand, why he hated the fact that he wanted her with every fiber in his body.

And despite all his knowledge, looking at her now, he knew he wanted her more than he had ever wanted anyone in his entire life. He thought back to the day, the day that marked the beginning of the end for Stone Pack...

... A 15-year-old West watched as his mother snuck out to go for a run in her wolf form. It was always such a majestic sight to see his mother shift to go running in the woods.

He was on the cuspid of gaining his wolf, but he wondered where his mother could be sneaking after in the middle of the night. It was so unusual as she was normally glued to her father's side.

'Curiosity to kill the cat.' West heard in his head, as he turns to see his mother's black wolf staring at him. Even though he was yet to gain his wolf, he had no problem communicating through the mind link.

'Sorry, Mom just wanted some fresh air.' West said as his mother gave him a wolfy smile and signaled for him to get on her back. Luna Kara runs through the forest and West chase after her, trying to catch her.

Just then, a ferrous growl sounded throughout the forest. Luna Kara and West froze on the spot. They had accidentally ventured past the boundaries of their territory. Luna Cara looked at West in panic.

She needed to make a choice. She couldn't even protect herself or her son. And for a mother, that wasn't even a choice. Her son always came first.

'Climb the tree, don't make a sound don't come down no matter what happens. I want your word.' Luna Kara said as West nodded and climbed the tree above them. Not soon, two huge black wolves emerged from the forest.

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