8.Nothing but Regrets💫

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'Love cures people- both the one who gives it and the ones who receive it.' - Karl. Menninger


West yelled as he returned to the Packhouse without his mate. 'What the fuck was he thinking?' He had allowed her to freefall to her death and all for what, to prove that he didn't love her, to prove that he didn't want her, are to prove that he didn't need her. Whatever he was trying to prove, it was utter bullshit.

She was a reason for his survival, his reason for a different as he rushed into the pack. An unbelievable sadness and disbelief washed over him like the opening lines of the Blue Danube.

He wished that he could erase the past. To have been the hero of her story, rushing in on his gallant white horse and whisking her off to the safety of his kingdom. But at last, he had a different role to play.

He was the villain

He knew that was how she saw him. But he silently wished that Sutton would take off her rose-colored glasses, and see the world as it was. The world was colored with shades of grey. There was no wrong or right, there was just perspective, and even then it depended on who was telling the story.

He headed straight to his room. Everyone seem to have picked up on his mood and had stayed clear of him. A wise choice on their part. There was only one idiot who didn't seem to get the memo.

"What's popping?"

Flynn asked as West stood inside their bedroom partially transformed. This was his Lycan form where men and beasts truly became one. His nails lengthened to claws and his teeth came canine.

The anger and pain he felt inside were overbearing. Piece by piece, West could see chunks of his self-control falling out of his reach. Within seconds, his armor had disintegrated, and the pain and anger engulfed him

He rushed towards the bed and overturned it. He broke the dresser mirrors and tore at the carpet that line the room. He pulled down the supporting beams for his bed and overturn his cabinet of books.

He stood in the middle of the room panting and trying to catch his breath, at that moment, he felt a panic attack rush on him full force. He hasn't felt this way since his 16th birthday, after watching his parent's demise.

Flynn rushed up to him.

"What the fuck is wrong with you? Isn't this what you wanted?"

Flynn asked as West's eyes zoned in on him. 'Now that she was gone, wasn't this what he wanted?' The answer was a resounding no. But then again that left one very important question, can he love the daughter of his parents' killer?

At this point that was probably a moot point, as she could probably be somewhere at the bottom of a river right now.

"You have to find her. You have to find her before something bad happens, for all, we know she could have ended up in a ravine somewhere."

Flynn said giving voice to West's fear, as West rolled his eyes.

"Don't you think you're being a bit melodramatic? If she was dead, I would have felt it through the bond. Even death would refuse that little minx."

West said as Flynn laid back in his chair.

"So what exactly are you feeling through the bond? The sun is about to set, and we both know that they're scarier things in the woods at night than an egomaniac Alpha with a superiority complex."

Flynn said as West realize the gravity of what he had done. He could have lost his mate before he even had a chance to have her. He could have lost the chance of being with his soulmate, all because he was too pig-headed to see what was in front of him all this time.

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