chapter 1: the hurt ache

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Beam studied at Korea.. He's been living there for 4 years now. He live with his grand parents from his father side. He live there not because his parents got divorced or something, but to mend his broken heart.

"ibwa chingu gaja" (hey buddy lets go) Shout New at Beam who looked bewildered looking at the couple who's fighting infront of them.

New is Beams close friend and classmates.. they are now on their second year as a medical student. Beam live in Korea where he continue his senior high school, thats where he met New and they become close to each other, like him New is also gay. New is also half Korean and Thai, maybe that's also the reason why they got pretty close to each other.

"jamsi boja" (lets see for a moment) answered Beam.

"o mai, dasineun Beamie" (oh my, not again Beamie). New roll his eyes.

"Why they have to fight over small matter?" Said Beam "They should love each other, not to fight. That girl is so ungrateful, she's lucky that the guy really liked her" he continue

"Are we talking about the couple infront of us, or is it your story.....again" said New, emphasizing the word again, teasing Beam

Beam sigh."I thought i would forget him, i thought i already moved on from him, but i failed, i still love him New" said Beam with tears in his eyes. New hug Beam to comfort him....again. Cause in 4 years, Beam always talk about "him".

***flash back from 4 years ago***

"Stop following me around. Youre getting to my nerve, youre annoying as hell, fuck off" the angry Forth said to Beam while they are at the school canteen.

"But i just want to give it to you Forth" said the shy Beam, giving Forth the neatly wrapped egg sandwhich.

"How many times do i have to tell you that stop giving me food or anything, because i won't eat it." Said the annoyed Forth swatting the hand of Beams who is holding the sandwhich and it fell down on the floor. Beam stares at the food for a moment, he wants to cry but he hold it back, because he don't want to look pitiful infront of all the students whos eyes are on them. He picked up the sandwhich slowly and smile to Forth.

"It's ok Forth, i will make new one tomorrow" he said, Phana and Kit were with him, they pitied Beam that time but they cant do anything because their friends were persistent to court Forth.

"I said STOP" Shout Forth and Beam got startled for Forth sudden screaming.

"But...i like you Forth..i...really do, you even promised me when we were kids that you will marry me" said Beam stuttering to his every words.

"Promise?!" Said Forth smirking. "It's just a silly and childish thing that can ever do by a silly playful boy like me back then, and you believed that?" He smirk again.

"Listen Baramee...I don't like you, even our parents are best friends, there's no way in hell that i will like you back"

"Your presence makes me uncomfortable, don't give me reason to disrespect you, youre like a peasant"

"I'm not even gay, so why would i waste my time to a faggot like you"

with that Beams tears fell down to his cheeks,. He doesn't said anything, he just stand there crying. He felt like a big hammer falls down from the sky and hit his head hard. All the things that Forth said pierced into his heart like a million pieces of needles. It hurts like hell. And he also felt humiliated infront of many people .

Forth turn his back on crying Beam and left the canteen with his friends tailing from behind. Lam, Forths bestfriend can't do anything but to shake his head. He ask himself, "Why his bestfriend were so rude when it comes to Beam."

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