꧁•⊹٭𝚂𝚝𝚘𝚛𝚖𝚜 - 𝙿𝚛𝚎𝚐𝚊𝚖𝚎٭⊹•꧂

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"There! Now you have something comfortable, and not scorching to relax on! And now, I can see your pretty little face!"

I exclaimed as I plopped him on the couch. He tilted his head in confusion as I wandered away from him, opening a wooden closet where we stored the games.

"Are you up to play some chess?"

He nodded with a warm smile, making himself comfortable on the couch as I dragged the coffee table and our loveseat closer. We prepared for the game, setting up our pieces and thinking of some strategies.


"Aw, someone's getting sleepy! Would you like to go to bed?"

After the first round of chess, Kokichi decided that he wanted to sit on my lap to be closer. Now, he was leaning all his body weight against my chest, borderline falling asleep as his eyes fought desperately to stay open.


That's all I needed to hear. As to not disturb my tired boyfriend, I lifted us up slowly, walking to the rooms as if I was one of the slowest creatures on earth. I didn't want to disturb the sleeping beauty, after all.

"Sleep well, cutie."

I whispered lovingly, after changing him into some fluffy pajamas and tucking him and myself into bed. In less than 5 minutes of laying down, I was already about to fall asleep. That's when I suddenly heard a deep, loud rumble and a bright light intruded the room, coming from the window. Great... It was thunder and lightning. I thought everything was going to be fine, but then Kokichi jolted awake next to me, his hands clamping onto his ears desperately. How could I forget about his fear of thunder...?

"Hey, Koki! It's okay... It'll be over soon."

I quietly whispered to him after I separated his hand slightly from his left ear. I got no response, just him burying his face in my chest and whimpering. I could feel his thick layers of sweat soaking through the fluff of his sleeping clothes and transferring to mine, allowing the thin fabric of my shirt to stick to my skin uncomfortably. It was cold and in all just a horrible feeling, but that didn't matter right now. I had to make sure my beloved was okay. Which, at the moment, he was definitely not.

"Sweetie, I you need to take deep breaths. Listen to my heartbeat, okay?"

I made sure to use his favorite pet name, as it usually calms him a lot in situations similar to this. This time, it barely worked. Yet despite this, he gulped and did what I asked, my calming voice guiding him in varieties of breathing exercises. It was working rather well, even though the room was filled with echoes of torrential rain and flashes of bright lightning. He was almost calm until a particularly loud boom of thunder sounded. Kokichi began hyperventilating at an alarming rate, his hands grasping his thighs dangerously. Neon liquid unwelcomely escaped from the damaged, skin of his thighs, leaking all over and staining his perfect, pale skin.

"Sweetheart, please don't do that..."

I coaxed in a sweet voice, prying his hands away from his leaking thighs with ease. I made sure to do It carefully as not to hurt him, he was quite fragile due to his lack of strength and slim figure.

"S-S-Shuichi! It's scary! I-I- "

I cut him off by rubbing his hips in soothing, repetitive motions. He seemed to relax a little bit but was still shaken up from the loud sounds outside. I kissed his cheeks that were stained with tear marks, holding his shaking hands in mine.

"Darling, I can assure you that it is just a sound. If you're worried about it hurting you, I promise it won't."

I murmured soothingly, caring more about my beloved's wellbeing than the blood soiling the white bed sheets below us.

"I-I-I know i-it's a sound... But i-it's still s-s-scary..."

He responded eventually, after he had calmed down more. The thunder reduced to a light rumble, and everything was beginning to look fine again. Kokichi was only hiccupping and sniffling now, instead of crying his heart out and having a panic attack. Squeezing my boyfriend tight, I delivered a large amount of loving kisses to his face as a reward for being so brave.

"S-Shu! Stop! It tickles!"

He laughed the laugh that I adore and missed very much. In the end, my beloved fell asleep, no longer disrupted by any thunder.

"Goodnight, Angel."

Word Count: 1297







The drops of blood ran down my knuckle as I held my hand under the sink in the male bathrooms. I had recently gotten into a fight with one of Kokichi's many bullies, Kaito Momota. I smiled gently to myself as I watched the pink blood trickle down my hand and down into the pure white sink. The blood wasn't even mine, it was Kaito's. I took my now clean hand away from the sink and turned off the tap, and started walking back to the dorm I shared with Kokichi. We were excused early from school because of the fight, and Kaito got suspended for 4 weeks. It was currently 11:22am, when I arrived at the dorm and got out my keys.

I opened the door to immediately pulled into a soft embrace. I was shocked for a moment, then slowly shifted my gaze down to see my boyfriend, Kokichi, hugging me. He's so cute... He slowly looked up at me, with the cutest eyes in the world. I didn't even notice I began staring at him.

"S-Shuichi-" He stuttered, obviously trying to get my attention. I snapped out of my trance and moved my hand up to his jaw, lifting his head up and giving him a small peck on the forehead. His face flushed a deep red, and he sprinted off to his bed and hid under the soft bedsheet. I slowly walked over and dragged him out of the covers. He grabbed at the bedsheets, barely holding on.

"S-S-Shu..." He whined, dragging out the 'u' in my name. I chuckled and finally ripped him away from his bed and plopped him onto the comfortable couch, then started walking over to the cupboard where we stored the board games.


Kokichi had fallen asleep on my lap while we were playing board games. I picked him up and placed him gently on his bed and tucked both of us under the covers. About five minutes later I was about to fall asleep, but then I heard a loud rumble of thunder. Great. Kokichi started stirring in his sleep and crying. I forgot he had a fear of thunder-

I held him closer as more thunder continuously rumbled, getting louder and louder each time. Kokichi had woken up to the loud noises and started hyperventilating into my chest, as I started combing my fingers through his soft hair, trying to calm him down. I leaned down to him and began whispering sweet nothings into his ears. Kokichi sobbed more into my chest, beginning to have a panic attack.

"Shhhh...I can assure the thunder won't hurt you Koko. It's just a sound." I softly spoke into his ear.

"I-I k-know...It still s-s-scares m-me though..." He trailed off, his voice cracking from his crying. He seemed so distressed and vulnerable, as he dug his fingernails forcefully into his thighs, drawing small amounts of blood. I noticed and intertwined my fingers with his, and gradually pulled them away from his now scratched thighs.

"Its okay Sweetie, I'll be here to protect you!" I chirped, calling him his favourite pet name since I knew he liked being called that as I continued saying calming phrases. After a small time period, I delicately covered his ears, in attempt to calm him down. This seemed to at least calm him a bit more, and we both noticed the thunder was slowly but surely disappearing. I felt relieved while looking down at my precious little Koko who's sobbing had been turned into soft hiccups and sniffling. I gently patted his hair, and kissed his nose, and soon began smothering his pale face in kisses.

"S-Shu!" He yelped, blushing like crazy. He pushed my face away and nuzzled into my chest like a cat. Soon later his soft snores filled the room. I kissed his forehead.

"Goodnight, Sweetheart."


So lately I've been feeling really insecure about my writing, and I feel like it's bad so I've been losing courage to update. If the updates become slower, this is why.

꧁•⊹٭𝚂𝚊𝚒𝚘𝚞𝚖𝚊 𝙾𝚗𝚎𝚜𝚑𝚘𝚝𝚜٭⊹•꧂حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن