Shoe itchy gets angry part 2 🥵🥵🥵

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This hurt to write... The emojis make me want to melt into the ground🤡. So, someone wanted this, so I'm here to bless you with another magnificent shitpost. (Fun fact: shitpost autocorrected to shotput. Guacamole man Rantaro is crying rn)
"Daddy are we dead 😖"

"Yes kokichi we fuckedd too hArD on the happy (sad) meals so we died of fatal stds lol 😛"

"Daddy caN we revive and get revenge on koregiro 🥺"

"Ok my little omega UwU let's  revive and push a stick up koreigo's ass!!!! 👹"

The two of them revived and they weren't in the backrooms of death anymore so they wrnt to their kitchen and realised korekiyog had left. 🤯

"Omg he left already!1!1!11!1 HE TOOK MY JAPPY MEALS!!!1!1!1!1 😱😱😱"

Shoe icky grabbed kokmichi and ran around the whole town before stopping at the kid's fattening center called kfc or ehatever. Kokichu spotted korekyoi in there so they both ran into the building and shoe icy saw something1!!!1!1 🤨

"Kokiche they have makeoto naieggi on the kfc menu board!!!1!1!1!1 🦄"

"Alpha let's buy makto neage please!!! Makoto naege my favourite ever charater! 😍"

"Ok my lil omegay I'll buy maksota naegii! 😘"

"Wait Sheo itchy can we buy the among us happy melas too???? 😩"

"Of coaurse sweaty lest buy happi mels!! 😊"

Shuiechi brought the happy melas and him and koeichi ran home and began to eat the amongs happy meal. Koefichi ate the naehi happy mel. Then shuiciha felt somenthing. 😕

"KOkichu my body hurts!111!!!!!11! 😥"

Kokcihi looked conaerned, moving vcloser before shichi stopped him. 😲

"Please do'nt! I-I-I-I-I-I--I-I-II-I-I-I-I-I'm transforming... 😣"

Koikcihi didn't know what was hapening. HIs alpha was transforming?!??!?!?!?!? He watched SHuiochi turned into a blue blob that resembled an astronaut. Among us!???!?!?!? 😰

"Kokichi run before I lose control!!!1!!!1! I'm the i-i-i-i-i-i-i-i-imposter... UwU! 🤡"

Kokichi was scared so he run out to the tv room when he saw seesaw man taking a shit on the couch. 💩

"Keheheheh please fucking hekp me. I got fucking stds from your fucking cum nuggets you fucking bitch grrrr. 😡"

Imposter shoeichy stomped into the room and ate korekito and the rest of tge nagito mhappy meals he had leftover. Then he got his tongue and give his omega a BIGGGGGG sloppy wet slimy lick and transformed back into normal shoe itchy. 😎

"We got revenge on seesaw dick man!1!!1!!! Wanna fuck to celebrate our sucess???!/1?!/ I'll use a condom this time UwU! 😜"

Coke itchy agreed so then they did the naughties and sheo itchy spanked him with his flip flops and then cockitchy died of being spanked too hard while shucihi died from being too sussy. The end... 🩴

Word COunt: 423
Dammit this was almost half as long as my normal oneshots *sobbing noises*

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