꧁•⊹٭𝙼𝚎𝚛𝚖𝚊𝚒𝚍?! - 𝙿𝚛𝚎𝚐𝚊𝚖𝚎٭⊹•꧂

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No picture really related to this so have that one! Got this from a random story idea generator so its probably bad, its also really rushed! More angst- Kokichi and Kaito are brothers so uhm yeah enjoy ig. I HAD NO IDEA WHAT I WAS DOING WITH THIS *SOBBING NOISES*

Mentions death & killing
Minor misgendering
Injuries and some blood
Probably cringe idk


"Hey miss, may I please buy these flowers?"

The strange man gave me the flowers with a wide smile. I didn't want to embarrass him and tell him that I'm actually a guy... I took the flowers from him and I felt our hands collide, I quickly took my hand away and checked the price.

"U-Uh the flowers cost $5.70! T-These are our exclusive love flowers, do you have a special someone? Sorry if I'm being nosy..."

He shook his head and giggled.

"Special someone? I just gave them to a special someone!"

"B-B-But they're in my hands?!"

"Exactly, you're so cute that I couldn't resist! Such a perfect lady you are!"

There was silence, the mans smirk was permanently painted on his face, not going away for a second. This was going to be awkward...

"Uhm, I'm a guy..."

The strangers eyes widened, and he started yelling.

"You can't be a lady! You look like a girl, and you stutter! Men don't stutter! You have to prove you're a guy, or else you're accepting these flowers and going to my mansion to have a date with me! I bet you like the idea of that! All women love rich men, and you aren't any different!

"Sir... Can you lower your voice, you're making a scene..."

"No! I want you to prove that you're a man first!"

"P-Prove it?! H-How?! S-Sorry... but I d-don't know how I can do t-that, I also don't want t-to date you, and I don't c-care if you're rich!"

The mans eyebrows furrowed as his hand reached over the counter and cupped my cheek in his hand, running his fingers over my freckles. I flinched.

"What are you-"

"Your skin... Its so soft, just like a lady's... You need to get better at lying, other men might try to ask you out when you're mine! Are you able to end early, we can go buy a car for you since I'm rich..."

I mentally panicked. This guy was creeping me out...  Suddenly, the staff door behind us slammed open, revealing Kaito, one of our most experienced staff. He forced the guy's hand off my cheek and shoved a paper in his face.

"Read it. Now."

I gulped, Kaito never spoke this serious around me! I fiddled with my hands as the man started reading the paper out loud.

"Kokichi Ouma... Age 16... Male?!"

The dude paused and clenched his fists, I could see his knuckles turning progressively whiter. He clearly didn't want to admit that I was indeed, a male.

"Relatives, Kaito Momota-"

"That's me, I'm the little dudes older brother. Now, why exactly were you trying to force him to date you? You need to listen, he said he didn't want to."

I started shaking, feeling guilty. This guy was getting in trouble all because of my how selfish I was...

"Dude, I see how badly you're shaking. You should go home and have a break. I'll tell the manager you're leavin, don't sweat it!"

꧁•⊹٭𝚂𝚊𝚒𝚘𝚞𝚖𝚊 𝙾𝚗𝚎𝚜𝚑𝚘𝚝𝚜٭⊹•꧂Where stories live. Discover now