(20) Things Got Better?

Start from the beginning

"You answer my question first" Getting back on track I ignored his statement since I had other things on my mind. "What would your question be Elizabeth?" I gave him a look however he wasn't phased by it. "You know what the question is. I practically ask it every day and each time you change the subject" He gave a long pause on purpose but I tried not to let it get to me. "You wish to know why this darkness is present around my palace?" I had been waiting patiently for an answer and today I was going to get it. "Yes"

"I do not care for the sunlight on the other side of it" That was not the only reason and if it had been it, was a stupid reason. "No, there is more to it. You said before people betrayed you" I wanted to hear more about it although as Doflamingo turned away I knew he was shutting down. He always did this when things he didn't like were brought up. "Did I? Hm, I suppose that would be true" When he didn't say anything else I tried to push him although I already knew the likelihood of that working was slim. "Are you going to tell me what they did?"

"Not right now. That is a memory that I would rather forget" When he started to leave the pool, I decided I was done. It was getting cold and besides; I hadn't eaten a thing since lunch. "Alright, let's go inside. Oh! Before I forget I want breakfast stuff for supper! You know pancakes, bacon, sausages, the works!" Climbing out of the water I let Doflamingo wrap me up in a towel as I waited for him to give in to my demands. "And to think you were running away from me not too long ago. Very well, I will see to it"

"How long will that take you?" We had already started walking inside the palace and once Doflamingo closed the doors he gave me an answer. "To make you supper? No more than 30 minutes. You are free to walk around the halls if you like or you may sit in the kitchen. The choice is yours" I knew what I wanted to do. "Alright" I was rocking back and forth on my heels although when he spoke, I let out a little laugh. "Are you coming to the kitchen with me?"

"Nope, I'm going to wander around a bit" Doflamingo wasn't too bad to deal with but the last time I was in that kitchen I nearly lost my finger. "Very well, I will call you when everything is prepared. If you need me simply call out" He was rather understanding about my decision and I found it a little odd since I knew he was obsessed with me. I knew we weren't anything but I'm sure he already thought of us as a couple. Either way, I wasn't going to ruin his fantasy especially when I knew he was insane. "Gotcha"

Doflamingo's Pov

As Elizabeth started down the hall, I needed to give her a scolding not even ten seconds after. "Do not run in the hallways! You will fall!" She slowed down but that did not ease my mind. "Sorry!" I was still staring down the hall but since she was long gone, I turned to walk in the other direction. "What a troublesome girl. I suppose preparing her supper would be ideal"


Ten Minutes Later...

"That did not take long... Now, with those cooking, I can look for that present. Where exactly did I put that box?" I had thought that box was moved in here not too long ago but I was confused about where it went. Elizabeth could not have touched it as I would have put it out of her reach although I was disappointed with each shelf I searched. That gift was meant for her to have and I could not find it. I thought of throwing it away once over the last few weeks but in the end, decided I wanted her to have it. "What are you doing, Doffy?"

When I heard Elizabeth's voice, I turned my head although did not allow my eyes to linger long as they returned to the task at hand. That gift had to be in this house somewhere, I just needed to find it. "I thought you were wandering the palace halls again Elizabeth. What would you like?" She did not enter the kitchen often although I was glad to see her. Elizabeth was the only other person that I could stand in this palace and at times I thought the girl was avoiding me. However, that could not have been true since she came in here willingly. "Answer my question first"

My mind must have been wandering again but I quickly answered her little question. "I am looking for a box. A gift actually" I could tell she was behind me however I remained facing forward pushing items aside from another cabinet. "Are you talking about the pink one in the closet?" Upon hearing that I stopped my search since that had indeed been the present, I had been looking for. "Which closet?" As her finger pointed to the far left, I let my grin widen. "That one over there. I saw it when I was looking for an umbrella last week"

"I have not looked there yet... Ah, thank you very much, Elizabeth. This is a present for you I thought I had lost it" With the box in hand I placed it on the island but I could already see how Elizabeth was staring at it. "For me? What is it?" She was adorable when that curious look was present on her face however it was not yet time for her to receive the gift. "You will have to wait until later to open i-"

"Doffy!? The pan is on fire! Quick put it out!" I had only looked away for a moment. However, as I turned my focus back to the stove it was indeed on fire. The fire was not large although when I put it out, I knew Elizabeth's supper was ruined. "I am sorry Elizabeth but supper is going to be a little late. Could you return in about half an hour or wait until I call you?" Her supper was simple tonight so I only needed a short time frame to remake it all. "You nearly caught the house on fire"

She was always pointing out my mistakes although I knew this time, she had every right. "Run along and that does not mean run all through the palace" Elizabeth gave me a look at appeared conflicted but before I could question it further, she had turned on her heels. "Okay, good luck!"

"I told you not to run!"


To Be Continued...

Doflamingo x OC {Don't Open The Door} RemakeWhere stories live. Discover now