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Just like the first trip, they travelled on a refugee freighter back to Naboo. As the ship took off, Anakin sat down across from Padme and set two bowls of mushy, droid-made dinner on the table between them.

"Last time," Anakin began, "R2 stole food from the kitchen. Now he has to stay in the luggage bay for the whole trip." Padme looked from him down to the food. Her stare was vacant and confused but Anakin couldn't help but share his memories.

"Sounds like the usual R2," she replied uneasily. Anakin took his seat and reached for a spoon. The prothstetic hand moved like a droid's: slowly and unnaturally. He saw Padme cringe.

Gripping the spoon in a fist, Anakin guided the awkward hand towards the bowl of food. Before he could dip the utensil into his meal, the hand twitched and launched the metal spoon into the air. Padme gasped as the spoon clattered to the floor in a rattle. Anakin felt his ears grow hot with embarrassment. "Sorry. I uh... I haven't gotten used to..." he sputtered, reaching down for the spoon. The hand fumbled for grip on the spoon but couldn't find any hold. Anakin grumbled under his breath. Blasted, metal piece of...

"Anakin, do you need help?" Padme asked faintly. Anakin looked up. Her eyes seemed to study him like he was a child. He couldn't take it.

"No, I'm fine. I just..." he trailed, not wanting to admit his incapablity. The hand was impossible. The effort to control the hand took considerable concentration, only for it to crash into objects like a wild Reek. He felt like a fool.

Giving up, Anakin reached across his body with his left hand and grabbed the spoon. Even with his non-dominant hand, he was twice as coordinated with it than with the prothstetic.

"Does it hurt?" Padme asked softly, still watching him with sympathetic eyes. Anakin shook his head quickly and looked down at his food. "The Bacta treatments healed it." He hadn't had pain in his hand since the new arm was attached.

"Not your hand," Padme continued, "The insecurity, I mean."

Anakin shrugged and raised the spoon to his mouth carefully. Something about the food left a bad taste in his mouth. Or maybe it was just that word.



Naboo was still beautiful.

Perpetually scented by the fragrance of roses, and blanketed by ever vibrant shade of green grass and blue waters, it was hard to ever imagine battle droids and war ever inhabiting the planet. Anakin breathed in the cool, sweet air with relieved lungs. It was a large improvement over the confined corridors of the transport and the thick, hot air inside.

Unlike the first trip, Queen Jamillia and the Royal Cabinet awaited their arrival at the landing platform. Sio Bibble stepped forward to greet them warmly.

"Welcome back Senator. We are so greatful to know you are safe!" he said sincerely. Padme bowed slightly before the Queen and Anakin followed. He remembered the days when Padme wore that same royal face paint with complicated headdress.

"I'm glad to be home, but I'm afraid zi don't remember much of leaving at all," she explained plainly. Anakin shifted the weight of the luggage in his hands. The mechanical arm locked itself around the suit case handle like it would never release. Anakin sighed.

"I do hope you recover quickly, Padme. The Senate will be in chaos until your return," the queen said. Anakin cleared his throat. "The Senator has been instructed to take her time with returning to the Capital until her memory has returned," he rebutted as politely as possible. Padme's head swiveled back with a sharp stare. "I will return to my duties soon, Your Highness," she assured the queen while keeping her eyes on Anakin.

Anakin wanted to laugh at her stubborness but remained quiet. No use in arguing. Same old Padme.

Sio Bibble nodded towards Anakin. "One of Royal cruisers will escort the Senator to her family's mansion." Anakin blinked. "Mansion? I thought we were-" Weren't they going back to the lake house? Padme cut him short. "We're going to stay with my parents this time. They wanted me home until I regain my memory," she stated matter-of-factly. Anakin felt part of his enthusiasm dissolve. He wouldn't be alone with Padme like he had last time.

"Then I guess we should be on our way," Anakin said, trying to hide any disappointment, "You're parents will want to know we've arrived safely."


During their first trip to Naboo, Anakin and Padme had briefly visited the Naberrie family before continuing to Varykino Villa. The family's mansion was really made up of smaller buildings, connected by courtyards and gardens. It was smaller than Varykino but still big enough to accommodate Padme's family and multiple guests without ever feeling crowded.

Padme's parents, Ruwee and Jobal, embraced their daughter in a group hug. "Oh, Sweetie! We were worried sick when we heard about Geonosis!" her mother cried. Rewee kissed her head. "We're so thankful that you're home safe."

Anakin felt a twing of pain and even envy as he watched Padme with her family. His reunion with his own mother had been quite the opposite of the happy scene in front of him. He saw her, his only family, die in his arms. He was almost jealous of Padme's fortune of having someone to come home to.

After about a minute, Jobal looked past her daughter at Anakin. She smiled warmly. "It's good to see you again, Anakin!" she gushed. Padme looked at her mother. "You've met Anakin?" she asked as if it were a crime.

Ruwee shook Anakin's hand firmly as he answered Padme. "During your last trip, Darling." He leaned closer to Anakin. "So how's she doing?" he asked under his breath. Anakin opened his mouth and then closed it. He didn't want to worry him, but Ruwee was Padme's father. He should know. "Her memory should return but there hasn't been any progress. She only lost the past month but the doctors said that that could mean other past events have gotten jumbled as well," he admitted. Ruwee frowned. "Past events?"

Anakin shrugged uneasily. "I'm not sure what all that could mean but it's important that she go about her day normally. Her regular schedule may help bring back her memory." Padme turned to them. "I can hear you," she chimed.

Anakin felt his cheeks reddend. Ruwee patted his shoulder. "Why don't we go in and have supper?


Hey guys! Hope you liked this chapter! Just a reminder, if you haven't checked out my story What Could Have Been Part 3, it's up and ready for you to start reading! That's really all for now. Later! <3

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