55th chapter special! Birthday date

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Before the story starts and continue I just wanna say:
Thank you all for being so interested in this story! I never hoped that it would doing so good, especially with writing mistakes and weird form of me expressing of what is happening. So I really thank everyone who is reading so far. Thank you.

Now let's get back to trauma ^^

„I'm so excited! Are you excited?! I definitely am! Oh Wowie! Just look outside! We're driving so fast! Look, look!"
„Hold your bolts down. That's nothing."
„Oh come now Monty, you are just as excited as we all are."
„Definitely not as much as happy clown here...and the newcomer."
„As I might remind you, My name is Eclipse, gator. But obviously your reptile brain isn't big enough to keep it in there."
„Boys! Stop fighting in the back or we are turning around!"
Julia sighed and and concentrated back on the streets. I sit next to her, quietly trying to hold off my laughter. It seems they have fun back there.

The management ordered some trucks so we can transport all the animatronics. DJ however wasn't coming along, but we do have his little gay spiders. We are with the most passengers. The second one has the girls, the third the loading stations. The fourth one are just merchandise we will sell in the zoo. Obviously it's gonna be more expensive as it is in the Pizzaplex. Julia thankfully took Eclipse with us, even though the management doesn't really know about this yet. She said it's the safest option to keep Eclipse and not getting him dismantled. From the fighting behind us however, it's not working as planned. This is now the fifth time Monty started a fight and we aren't even close to the zoo. Hopefully he won't destroy the car with his anger issues.
„Eclipse, right? I think I heard your name before."

I looked to Julia, which looked away from me now and focused even more on that red light in front of us.
„That might be because you have an astrology base knowledge in you programmed. An Eclipse is pretty basic for knowledge."
That was Suns voice. All his excitement got drained out of his voice. Yikes...how can they ever be getting separated if Sun can't even tolerate Eclipse? Right...it's tomorrow already. As happy and glad I am today, it is hard for me to enjoy this day fully if I know that everything will be over the next day.
„Y/N...I have a present for you too. Look under the seat."
I smiled confused at her and really found something in a package.

„Julia, you didn't have to gift me anything!"
„Hey, you had a few tough months and more will be laying ahead of you. You need that, trust me."
I opened it snickering, but I stopped immediately as I saw what was inside.
„Besides, I kinda stole them from the gift shop, so don't worry."
„...Thank you Julia...it will definitely help me out the next few days..."
I caressed gently over the plushie figures of Sun and Moon. It was the older model, but I didn't care. It seems I won't be sleeping alone in the following nights.
„A birthday and we didn't know? We must sing a birthday song later!"
„N-no need! I'm not a child after all!"

We arrived at the Zoo and immediately as we opened the back doors so the others could get out, Sunny jumped immediately into the Sunlight.
„It looks so bright and playful here! Is this the zoo? Can we go to the zoo?!"
„Later Sunny, we have to get the others out first."
Sunny sulked while Eclipse didn't seemed that excited as the others.
„This looks Fazbeartastic here! No wonder the little ones love to go here!"
„Damn...Sun your looking sick!"
„You can't stare into me! It's bad for your eye sensors!"
„Hah! Jokes on you, I have Sunglasses. I can stare as long as I want!"
„That's still not safe..."

We all gathered together while every attendant had the job to show their specific animatronic around and where they will be handling. Obviously, I was with Eclipse and Sunny. They said we can go to the birds, since they have no animatronics as one. Sunny immediately wanted to run there, but I said he'd scare the birds if he did. So he just jumped like a little kid up and down while we walked there. Eclipse seems more in a bad mood...should I ask?
„Eclipse? What's wrong?"
„I can see a lie when I see one."
„...I just don't like animals."
Sunny's head immediately turned back, his eyes widened.

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