Julia finds out

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„I'm still scared that it won't work..."
„It has to and it will be."
Me and Eclipse were upstairs and waiting for Moon to tell us that we can go. Sunny didn't even talked with me today...at least he got Eclipse back up here- even if it's not necessary anymore. Julia didn't show up, which worried me a bit. Surely she isn't coming to look after me every day, but after the warning I thought I'd see her more often in the daycare. Eclipse already has his „disguise" on, also waiting just like me to go. Luckily I get my salary weekly and not monthly. Hopefully it's enough to buy two tickets to another city...Huh?
„What are you doing?"

Eclipse hid in the other room, leaving me alone in the main sleeping room. Why is he going that-
„Holy Fuck! Julia???"
„Puh! That's a whole workout to get up here!"
She climbed the line up?! Her eyes widened as she fully stood up and looked around the room. I quickly stood up and sat down at the pipe. Hopefully Eclipse is hiding in a good spot...
„Wow! Did you make this?"
„Yep! With my siblings...it looks nicer now..."
„Oh...well it certainly does. I saw Moon in the security room. Seems like he is working now?"
„Yeah, he said I should get enough rest and take care of myself more."
„I couldn't agree to that more. And I got some good news for you!"

She sat down in the pillows and smiled.
„I told the management about some advertising for the Pizzaplex and guess where and what we will do."
„If you say where, it means probably outside?"
„Not only outside, we will be doing it in one of the most beautiful parks with animals to pet! It will show people to trust animatronics more."
„Really? When?"
„Oh you know...a day called your birthday."
„Wha- really?! Does that mean everyone is out than?"
„Yeah! It's in one week right? You can invite your friends and family- Ah...sorry..."
„N-no...it's fine...I think I found a clue where they are. Hopefully it will be alright."
„So you finally told the police about this?"

I only shrugged, not looking at her.
„The time is running. So..."
„Hmm...so it really is a Kidnapping?"
„Oh...I forgot that I didn't tell you that yet...but yes."
„I feel so sorry for you...Is there any way I can help with something?"
„No...it's fine. I'm positive that they are still alive!"
I gave her a smile, which she replied a little sadder.
„Changing the topic: why are you sitting there in that pipe?"
„UHHH...I haven't cleaned there yet! It looks so dusty in there that I don't want you to see it!"
„Your acting suspicious...What is really there?"
„You know I would never lie and as I said, it's not tidy yet."
„And there is no other reason why?"

I gulped and looked sideways back to Eclipse, who was shaking his head. This was the first time I saw blank fear in his face.
„Nope, no good reason why you should."
„Than you wouldn't mind me looking right?"
Shit, shit, shit! If Julia finds Eclipse now she might decommission him again! I didn't move as she stood up and went to me.
„You really don't have to look there!"
„I insist. Surely you did something in this room."
„Yeah, but-„
„Come on Y/N. Let me see!"
She tried looking through, but my body blocked most of it. I heard machines moving and so did Julia.
„Y/N, what is in there?"

She pulled me out of the pipe, going in herself.
„No, Julia, Wait!"
I crawled with her to the other room as she stares blankly at Eclipse, who sat in the corner, half covered with the costumes.
„Uhm...I can explain..."
„Is that...who I think it is...?"
„G-good day...miss Rist. How have you been?"
She turned to me, fear and anger at the same time in her gaze.
„Y/N...how did you find him and how the hell did you get an endoskeleton?"
„Uhm...he found me and my friend built his body...I wanted to to tell you about him once all that settled and he felt more comfortable-„
„Are you crazy?! He is a mass murderer!"
„He had a virus, just like Moon!"

She sighs deeply, looking back and forth to me and Eclipse. Seems like she can't decide wether to be impressed or angered.
„You haven't seen the bodies. THIS was not work of a virus-„
„It was! I wish we could prove it, but Eclipse got his virus out by himself after..."
„Yeah, the decommission. How did you survive?"
„I deeply apologize miss Rist, but that is my own secret. But I can assure you that I promised that I won't kill or harm anyone here anymore."
„Just like last time? I saw how you killed and I saw those bodies, YOU are not trusted."
„Julia he changed!"
„And YOU! What were you thinking?! I told you he is dangerous!"

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