A tiny outbreak

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„So You're saying you put your parents into prison, got together with the daycare animatronics and now you believe that the virus in Moon is going over to Sun?"
„In short yes."
„Damn...you sure were busy. But so was I as you can see. Gregory's parts were remarkable! Thanks to his help, I was able to create my own animatronic version of myself!"
„You sure look younger. So you don't need electric shocks or an endo to move?"
„Well- technically I am now an animatronic, so I wouldn't say I don't need an endoskeleton, but yes. Now, what do you need my help with?"
I scratched my head and sighed. It seems Michael isn't mad at what we did in the pizzaplex...

„Well...I kinda thought you could help me with the virus-„
„No. I can't undo work of my father or his helpers."
„Oh...than...could you teach me how to understand...animatronic mechanics? I only know bits and pieces of Julia, but maybe I can find my way with enough wisdom!"
He was quietly thinking about what to do, but smiled in the end.
„I guess I have some spare time to hit on. Won't your boyfriends miss you in the time being?"
„I told them that I come back tomorrow. Now I need some spare time away...especially if Sunny acts so weird."
„Don't worry, I also need time alone, so Ennard is going somewhere walking in the woods."

Now that he mentioned it...is he really in the woods? I haven't seen him in months too. Michael leaded me into the living room and took out a few blueprints.
„Before the program, you already have to know exactly who or what the endoskeleton needs to do. It is harder to change once you're done with the A.I."
His explanations are a bit different from what Julia taught me, but he is a good teacher. Maybe he taught his younger siblings, cause I understand normally nothing from robotics and programming.
„And how do the cables work? I know you said it's just as the nerve system, but..."
„Sometimes don't question the questionable. Trust me."
„But isn't the program outdated?"
„Well I didn't have to make an A.I for my body."
„How does that soul transfer even work?"

He looked at his body and than outside of the woods.
„You can only connect your soul when you're dead to things that were or are important to you."
„So Freddy was important to you?"
„Well...it was important in my life, yes. I can only transfer my soul to this body because it has parts of a Freddy animatronic inside."
„Now the mystery is solved where the missing parts went."
„It wasn't easy to lift them you know?"
„I know, the parts are heavy. Alone one arm weights more than a child."
Michael chuckled and took the next blueprint in front of us. It was based of a human body and is probably the one who Michael made. It's really weird to see how different human parts are stuck to cables and metal.

It was probably already midnight when Michael closed the last blueprint.
„Since the theory is done on how to make an endoskeleton, will you tell me the second reason why you want to learn this?"
„Huh? What do you mean?"
„Basic Knowledge might be great and all, but it won't solve your passion problem with these two. The only reason is you want to build your own animatronic, am I right?"
„Heh...well, not quite...Moon kinda lied to you about Eclipse...he is still alive."
„Ahh...I figured this metal piece wouldn't be easily to get broken."
„You knew him?"
„Of course I did. Only on chance though. He was rather interesting. Never talked normally and only in rhymes, really aggressive towards burglars- oh! And he loved to hide children from their parents."

Sometimes I ask how he can know that if he never worked there in the first place. How did he even met Eclipse in the first place?
„Well I wanted to give him a chance and make him a body! Since no one really likes his past..."
„I heard rumors about him going on killing sprees from time to time till he got decommissioned. How did he survive that?"
„Not sure how, but he hides in an arcade machine in Sun and Moons room."
„Huh...that's interesting...and it will be definitely hard to get an fully functioned animatronic up to their room without anyone noticing."
„There is a door, but it is locked. Not sure where it would lead."
„You think you can take me in at night? I'm really good at picking locks."

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