The truth behind the virus

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It's been two days now since Moon started to hack in to the security cameras around the city. I was doomed to do his Night Shift, since there is no other nightguard to do it. It's weird that no one wants this job. When a person like Vanessa got the job, than everyone could get it. It shouldn't be my business. My business right now is not to toss the cleaning bots accidentally to the ground for startling me. They weigh like an adult so it is easier to toss them down as any other animatronic. Somehow they don't make much noise except the rolls. Moon also is very quiet compared to Sunny's movement. Why do some animatronics are so agile and some other don't? I would love to know that, but it's probably just something with the endoskeleton. Maybe that's what Michael meant with building firstly the Endo and than the A.I.

I sighed when I looked at the clock. Still two more hours to go...It's just way to boring with someone to talk to. Moon has at least Sunny with him when I go to sleep. I wish I could ask Michael to come over, but he works on the Endoskeleton for Eclipse. I wish I could talk to Eclipse about this, but Sunny and Moon are acting suspiciously cautious when it comes to their battery and charging. Now that I think of it...we need to do the weekly check up still! The weekend was such a hassle that I completely forgot! I walked to the security office where Moon was and wanted to ask him about the weekly check up, when I heard him talking. There shouldn't be anyone at this hour here...
„Out of question! You should be happy that we even let you out!"

Who is he talking to? I really want to know, but isn't it mean to listen to others?
„No you won't! This is our day with them and you won't interfere! I don't care that you have your own body, but stay away from Y/N!"
I stepped inside, Moons head immediately turning around to me. His face stated hatred, but changed into surprise once he recognized me.
„Starlight, what are you doing here?"
„I wanted to ask if you need the weekly check up..."
„No, don't worry."
„Are you sure? It seems you are troubled..."
Moon sighed and looked tiredly smiling to me.
„Let's just say me and Sunny can't do the things smoothly as we planned."
„What did you plan?"

He walked towards me and patted my head slowly.
„You will know once Eclipse is away."
„Was it with him who you fought?"
„Oh, you heard it...I'm sorry if I made you afraid."
„I wasn't...but we still should make a quick check."
„If that makes you happy..."
Moon turned down the computer he used and accompanied me to P&S. He seems a little more stressed and nervous as usual...but if it's because of Eclipse, than what did they talk about? I shouldn't snoop in...however, this does concern them.
„...I don't know what right now happens, but please, don't fight under each other."
„It's easier said than done..."
His hand took mine and squeezed it a little.
„I'm sure this...he will tell you sooner or later. Just let it burry down for the moment."

I tied Moon at the table and sighed. Always these secrets. They keep more nowadays...back than I got to knew first handed about the virus, about the injuring...hopefully it really is just a stupid fight between them. I don't want to have to deal with that.
„It feels tighter than usual, is there a reason?"
„You seemed angry earlier and I don't want to risk anything..."
„Oh...Yeah I get it"
„I'm sorry."
„No it's alright. We want you to feel save after all"
I quickly smiled at him before opening the software to check him. It seems like everything is functioning...and the virus also isn't sending weird signals...that's good.
„I will switch now the lights on for Sunny-„

Moons head got up and he looked nearly scared.
„Sun is fine! You don't have to look!"
„Moon you are acting weird. It's Sunny's time to see if everything is alright."
The light switched on and Sunny's looked hurt to me. His smile widened as his eyes were glowing slightly.
„Uhm...Sunny? Is everything alright?"
„Everything us tipedy top! Why don't you take off these chains so I can come hug you!"
I hold my hand on the light switch, a little scared of Sunny's behavior. It's not Eclipse since he talks in why is he behaving that way? He was alright today.

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