Another sick day

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„Sunshine...Y/N, wake up! I got you something to eat and drink!"
„I'm sorry to wake you, but you have to eat something!"
I opened my eyes and saw a blurry figure in front of me. Fuck it got's so hot in here...
„Here, let me help you sit up!"
I felt my body moving, but didn't really notice it either. Something hot was on my mouth, so I opened it. It flood down my throat and I coughed.
„A-Slow down! Here, water!"
Something colder run over me and my shirt. Sunny seemed to panic, but the ringing in my ears is louder as his screaming.

He seemed to go somewhere and I rubbed my eyes. Still it was a soup, I couldn't really taste it. It tastes just like hot water. Burning. What time is it?
„I'm back with the thermometer! Are you feeling better?"
I felt a hand under my arm and heard a piep a few seconds later.
„...D-do you have maybe medicine with you?"
„In my the locker room."
„I'm soon back! D-do you need anything?"
I shook my head and drank some water. I haven't felt that worse since I was a toddler. The soup is sadly to hot for me to eat, so I just waited for Sunny.

„Y/ I found it."
I opened my eyes and saw him holding two pills. They were so small compared to his big hands. I wish I had so big hands. Is that a wish? I took shaking the pills and consumed it. Well now I need to sleep.
„Do you want more soup? I-I can ask Julia! O-or uhm, someone else? I can also just go so you can rest!"
„Could you stay here...?"
Sunny's rays were twirling again and he sat next beside me. I got embarrassed and tried to push him down. Sunny let out an awkward laugh and stopped me.
„What are you doing?"
„I meant...that you could maybe to me when I'm sleeping? You are so warm..."

Sunny put finally one and one together and I could have sworn out of his head came little puff clouds.
„O-oh! Uh-haha- uhm, YES! Yes, I can!"
He lay down and slowly pushed me to his body. I snuggled to the heating source and couldn't open my eyes anymore.
„Thank you..."

Switch to Sunny/Moon perspective

The animatronics were looking at their friend, that was lying there so vulnerable and sick. They couldn't help but feel even warmer than the other times before. Now they don't have an Issue with that. They like this feeling that Y/N makes for them. It feels safe and like they belong here.
Do you think we should ask them why they came to work, even though they are sick?
Let them rest first. Besides, you enjoy taking care of them, so why be angry?
Grr...I know! I should be happy that Sunshine still came here, but look at them! I haven't seen them this exhausted before...
...Sunny. It's going to be okay. I'm more concerned about their family and what their parents might do."

Since Moon and Sunny found out about the slapping, they never wanted Y/N to be late. It makes them sad not to spend so much time together as before, but it's for their safety. Nobody will hurt their human. Their only friend. No matter what would happen.
I don't like them. They treat our Sunshine like dirt.
If they wouldn't have cameras all over the plex, I'd run to their house and kill their parents.
Moon! We can't do that! We don't know if they still care...and you can't kill someone!
As if you didn't plan a murder in your head all day.
Wha-no??? I was just uhh...thinking!
About killing.
About how we can solve it peacefully.
Yeah don't believe you one word.

Moon wanted to start complaining again, when Y/N got even closer and hugged Sunny's body. Sunny's rays were at this point a spinning board, not stopping for one minute.
We could turn off the lights, but that means moving away...
The animatronics heard the door and and looked annoyed. Which one is so stupid to come here at night? They don't want to let go of Y/N. It's to much of a nice feeling. In other cases, down there might be Vanny and they don't want to hurt their little human. They slowly tried to move away and ended the hug. Y/N crawled themself to a little ball and shivered. It broke their code to see them like this, but safety is far more important.

As they jumped down to see who is bothering, they stood still at the door.
„Ah- hello Sunny! I told Y/N that I would come here."
„O-oh? Well, they didn't tell us anything."
„Hmm...where are they? It's still their shift."
„Oh! Uhm, they don't feel very good, so we-„
„So they went home? I'm gonna contact their brother, so they stay home till they get better."
„That won't be necessary! We already did it!"
Sunny what are you doing?!
„Is that so? Well, I'm still gonna call. I'll see you tomorrow Sunny...and Moon."
„W-wha...? Uhm, Miss Rist! Wait-„
And there she goes already. It was complicated now. They wanted to keep them here, but if that comes out, Y/N will go home...

Sunny, what did she mean by that?
I don't know...Y/N must know, but they are so terribly sick.
Was maybe that the reason why door was open so long?
What do you mean?
Didn't you notice that the door didn't close after she said goodbye?
...unbelievable. Let's just swap now-no wait. Don't turn off the lights yet.
Sunny stood still and rolled his eyes. He was never a fan of Plan changes, especially with the light.
Look outside to see if Vanny isn't near us.
Right...I'll look.

He peaked his head outside of the door, but there was no one. Not in Sunny's view that is. Moon on the other hand, saw the bunny costume and how she came closer to them.
Damn it! Go and run now somewhere with emergency lights!
You can't see her, but I can! And I'm saying that you need to go somewhere with emergency lights!
But where?! You know that I go offline once you were always...patrolling.
Just go! If the lights go out now, we won't have any friend anymore!
Moon was in panic. That rarely happens, but now is one of the time. He finally opened up to someone and he doesn't want to loose another close person. So Sunny began to run. Yet none of the two noticed, that Vanny wasn't there for Moon. She was after
Don't worry, I'll try to make the other part longer.

I do have a question at your readers: do you want it to be more like a threesome or that Sun and Moon only like Y/N and no one else?
So choose:
Sun x Moon x Y/N
Sun/Moon x Y/N
I don't mind either way, but I have to know, so we can build the relationship slowly.

If nothing is getting commented, it will be as original planned and it's gonna be Y/N x Sun/Moon. So feel free to speak up your mind ^^

Sundrop/Moondrop x Y/N Where stories live. Discover now