Michaels visit

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I wasn't really full of energy when I changed into my work uniform. Chris sentence hold me up last night till the morning. He also didn't speak to me at all. At least Sunny will be busy with the children so I don't have to be with him alone all the time. Their behavior is scaring me slowly...and it isn't making the situation better to think that it's not only the virus. What if I did something wrong that triggered them to act like this now? When we first met we only were friends while Moon tried to kill me! I wonder if the past times were better than the now...if I would never helped Julia's daughter, nothing of this would have happened. I walked to the daycare and opened the door slowly. Sunny was sitting in the middle of the room facing me. His face brighten up, but he didn't move.

„Sunny? Is everything okay?"
„Y-yes! Okie dokie! H-h-how are you?"
„A bit tired, but I'm fine...you don't wanna stand up?"
„N-nope! I'm good sitting here!"
I sighed and wanted to sit down next to Sunny, but he backed away. His hands were grabbing his sleeves, while trembling in fear.
„I don't want you to come to close! I-I might hurt you again!"
„But don't you want a hug?"
„I-I don't want to c-crush you..."
„That won't happen."
I hugged him from behind and rested my head on his. His rays went inside, making it easier for me to find a more comfortable position.

After a while, I let go and sat down in front of Sunny.
He cried oil out of his eyes, while trying to keep a smile on him.
„Y-yeah...thank you Sunshine. I guess I needed that."
„No problem. You can go rest upstairs if you want."
„No! We will not leave you with the little ones alone again!"
„Sunny you have to rest! I'm sure that you both didn't charge last night."
He looked away from me. Of course they didn't charge!
„How low are you?"
„...Ten percent?"
That low?! But he was full two days ago! Why is power flowing out so fast?

I had to push him in the tower direction for him to finally get up on his own. What makes me more nervous is that Eclipse isn't out. Doesn't he want to? It would be the perfect chance! Sunny and I were both fully exhausted after climbing the rope up. There has to be another way to get up somewhere!
„...I know I shouldn't bring this up right now, but did you talk with Eclipse?"
He flinched as he stuck the cable in his back to recharge.
„...Moon talked with him..."
„Oh! And? What did he say?"
„We...We want to give him a chance in this...out of machine thing."
„Oh that's wonderful Sunny! When do you-„
„And we...I...decided that the child I wanted...should wait with the programming a little more."

He smiled sadly to me and the words of my brother echoed in my head.
„But didn't you wanted to have one?"
„Yes, but you are right. We can't let a child do such a thing...and we still need to make sure that the virus will disappear...but we won't give up on having a child for ourselves!"
„That's totally fine! I'm proud of you guys, I really am. Rest for now Okay? I will handle everything."
„But you are also tired!"
„I can handle it. You charge up for the night, we will have a visitor."
„You will see for yourselves tonight."
I slid down the rope and cleaned a little bit up, before opening the daycare.

Somehow everything went good, till naptime. The children were to tired and wanted to see Moon, since I told them that Sunny is sick. Yet I can't just go up and ask Moon for it, the time limit is not up yet. He still is only a security animatronic for at least three months and if one of the children say something, it's not going out good.
„Come on children! I will sing and read a story!"
„We want Mister Moon!"
„We want his candy!!!"
„I don't wanna go to bed!"
„N-now now, I'm sure mister Moon will soon feel better!"
„We want him now!"

If they continue to scream, I might loose my temper. Ugh...get a grip Y/N.
„How about I will go to see if Moon is feeling any better and if he says no, you have to sleep."
„Please, settle down and let us sleep for today!"
„You heard what Y/N said, it's past your bedtimes."
Out of nowhere, Moon was behind me and hold my hand. I got embarrassed that my heart made a jump at how close he stood. The children ran towards us and hugged Moon as hard as they could.
„Now go to sleep, I still feel very tired and shaky."
„Mister Moon will you sing for us?"
„I wanna hear a story!"
„Of course little ones. Now get back to your pillows and close your eyes."

Sundrop/Moondrop x Y/N Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant