"on and on again"

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i miss when my life was simple

when my hair was bright pink and i had the whole world in front of me and my surroundings were beautiful

when i was delusional and romanticized my life to the fullest

everything was so much more saturated than real life

the flowers were glowing and the trees would dance and change colours

the wind would whisper to me and comb through my hair, wipe
my tears away

butterflies and birds followed me everywhere i went

there was background music to everything i did

walking along the beach feeling the sand between my toes and the clouds blocking the sun from reaching my eyes

i miss when i didn't see things in black and white, where every bad person and thing is lurking and out to get me

i have to think about the real future ahead of me, not the saturated version but the dull one

the one with no background music and no birds watching over me

the bland future
the scary future

the earth never stops
never slows down for anyone

we just live our lives

i regret not taking advantage of the time i had when my life was simple.

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