Chapter 17

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A/N: Sorry I didn't update this week. I was on vacation. But I'm back now!

You watched as Hoskins brought a whole crew of people to the island. There were weapons scattered all around the area, ready to be used by Hoskins' men.

"What's going on?" Zach asked.

"I don't know." Your expression was grim. "But, it doesn't look good." 

Your gaze then noticed Barry also near you as well. His binoculars were on, spying on Hoskins and his men.

"Oh my god!" Relief washed over you. Barry flinched upon hearing your voice. He darted his head towards you in surprise. "Barry, thank god you're alive!"

"What are you doing here?" Barry blinked. His attention then focused on the boys. "And, who are they?" 

"This is Zach and Gray." You introduced them to him. Both boys waved. "And, we accidentally brought ourselves here." You replied but then continued. "What are you doing here?"

"I decided to do some snooping on Hoskins." He responded.

"I...see." You said slowly. So much for killing two birds with one stone.

"Besides, you have your hands full." Barry smiled, gesturing the boys. "I thought I could help you out a bit."

You sighed softly. You didn't like the idea of anyone helping you out. This was your mission after all. Unfortunately, it was too late to stop him. However, at the same time, you were also appreciative of his assistance.

"Will you be okay out here?" You asked.

Barry grinned, "Of course."


"Hey, look." You said, pointing at an abandoned building in the middle of the forest. You've been traveling for a long time before noticing its presence. The building was tattered while covered in moss and leaves. "There could be something in there." 

"Or it could just be filled with bugs," Zach commented. 

"You never know if you don't look." Your legs moved closer towards the shed. With all your might, the door creaked open as you went inside.

"Whoa." Your voice echoed in the empty darkness. "Zach! Gray! Come check this out!" 

"Alright, but if they're bugs in there then I'm--whoa." Zach paused as he stepped inside. "Where are we? What is this place?" 

"I can't see anything," Gray stated, coming in last. 

"Do you guys have a flashlight?" You asked them. 

Shuffling noises were being made before a spark of light appeared in front of your eyes. You noticed that he made a torch from the materials in the building. Your eyes widened, recognizing the familiar logo on the cloth and the pictures on the walls.

"We're in the original park." You gasped, "Or at least what remains." 

"Oh my god!" Gray gushed, "We're on ancient ground!" 

"Ancient?" Zach scoffed, "This place is shit." 

"This place is the reason why dinosaurs are back." You explained, "Maybe, something in here could be useful." 

"That is if it still works." He sighed. 

"Let's hope so." You said as you explored the area. Gray found some night goggles and then began operating them. You found yourself gazing at the art. It was a picture of the dinosaurs on the original island.

"Guys I found a jeep!" Zach called as you and Gray followed his voice. 

"1992 Jeep Wrangler Sahara, sand beige," Gray identified the vehicle.  

"Does anyone know how to fix cars?" You asked. 

"I do." Zach nodded, "I fixed my Grandpa's jeep once." 


Your gaze fixated on Zach. His expression was serious and focused on fixing the Jeep's engine properly. Sweat beaded on his forehead while oil smeared on his shirt. You then felt your heart beat rapidly. It was so amazing seeing Zach do something like this.

"You're really good with your hands." You complimented him. Zach flinched, raising his head up. His cheeks dusted pink. "You can draw and fix things."

"Yeah," Zach coughed awkwardly. "And, uh, other things as well."

You flinched, immediately realizing what he just said. He smirked but it was so fast that you almost missed it. He finished the engine and then started the ignition. You grinned when you heard it sputter smoothly. 

"It works!" Gray cheered, going into the back. You sat in the front while Zach was in the driver's seat.

"Good work on fixing the Jeep." You grinned. 

"Thanks!" Zach smiled. His hands were on the wheel. "Now let's drive!"

"I thought you failed your driving test," Gray pointed out. 

"Eh." Zach grinned, "It was only the driving part."

Mission Jurassic [Zach Mitchell x Male!Reader]Место, где живут истории. Откройте их для себя