Chapter 9

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You didn't have time to see the boys' reactions because you dashed away immediately. Right now, your mind was focused on finding Hoskins.

You swiftly brushed passed the other tourists as you headed towards his following location. You stopped suddenly when you saw a camera up above. It swayed robotically in your direction and in the other. You needed to get inside without the camera seeing you.

"Hey, Donnie," You dialled him up, "I gotta get inside without that camera watching me."

"I figured that you might." He replied, "Don't worry it'll only take a few seconds."

On the other line, you heard typing noises in the background. You looked up again and then saw the camera freeze on the other side. You quietly went into the lab to find a place to hide. In no time, you saw Hoskins and Dr. Henry Wu arrive inside. Peeking through your hiding spot, you heard Dr. Wu and Hoskins talking.

"Do you have it with you?" Hoskins asked.

"Yes, it's with me." Dr. Wu stated, "I've kept it for years."

Through their conversation, you found out that Dr. Wu has kept some dinosaur DNA from the original park. You watched as Hoskins went onto a computer to log in. Getting out your phone, you quickly snapped a picture.

"This will save lives," Hoskins commented before he and Dr. Wu left. Checking your phone, you observed the photo. You internally cursed to yourself. There was a blur due to your shaky hand. You'd have to ask Donnie to fix this later. For now, you escaped the lab and then notified him that you left.

"There he is!" You heard Gray call. You saw the boys running in your direction. 

"Where'd you go?" Zach asked, "One minute you were here and the next you left."

"Uh, I went to the bathroom." You lied.

"Oh, fair enough," Zach said.

"Hey," You stated as your stomach rumbled. "Let's get some food."


"Mom and Dad are getting a divorce," Gray blurted out randomly while frowning. You were on the train as he said that. Zach raised an eyebrow while you blinked in confusion. This was not something you'd expected to hear so suddenly.

"What?" Zach asked, unconvinced. "What are you even talking about?"

"They're getting a divorce," Gray repeated. 

"What? No." Zach continued, still confused. "They've always been like that. You haven't been around long enough to notice." 

"I googled," Gray explained sadly. "They're getting documents from two separate lawyers."

"So what? My friends' parents are also divorced so--" Zach stopped, realizing Gray was on the verge of tears. He then got slightly annoyed. "Hey, knock it off!" 

Gray tried to stop, but the tears kept dribbling down his cheeks. You watched as he began to shiver and sniffle. Immediately, you felt bad for him. 

"Gray, these things happen all the time." You started off. "You're not alone on this."

"But, it's my fault." He sobbed, "I just know it is."

"It's not yours or anybody's fault." You explained, "These things happen beyond our control."

Gray nodded at your words despite still being sad.

"Your parents will always love you." You continued, "And they probably won't ever stop."

After that, the conversation went quiet. Gray sighed softly and then stared out the window. You weren't sure if that helped, but you hoped it did.

"Are your parents divorced?" Gray asked quietly. His eyes then widened, regretting his question. "Um, sorry, that was a dumb question!"

"No, they're not." You sighed heavily. "My dad, err, he passed away." 

"Oh no." He frowned again while Zach stared at you sympathetically. "I'm sorry."

"It, uh, happened awhile back." You explained, averting your eyes away. You blinked, trying to control your tears. You didn't want to cry, not in front of them or anyone else. As you began regaining yourself, you noticed that you arrived at the restaurant. 

"Um," You coughed, "Looks like we're here."

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