Chapter 6

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"Wow," You smiled, clapping after Owen's performance. "That was pretty good. How'd you manage to do that?" 

"A bond that was formed by mutual respect." He explained, "Also, I imprinted on them when they were born. They think of me as their Alpha." 

"If anything, you acted more like a mother figure to me." You pointed out. "I didn't even know you liked dinosaurs in the first place."

"Well, I learned to like them," Owen replied, staring down at the raptors. "Also, Ray convinced me. Man, he was a dino freak. Sometimes, I thought he was one." 

Oh, the irony, you thought yourself, if only he knew.

"Maybe, I should give him a call." He added, "So that we could catch up."

Hearing him say that caused you to frown. 

"What's wrong?" Owen asked, noticing your facial expression. 

"Oh," You paused, "It's nothing. I was just--"

"Owen!" Another voice was heard, causing you to flinch. You blinked, recognizing the other man immediately.

"Barry?" You questioned, "Is that you?"

"What are you doing here?" Barry asked with widened eyes. His attention was now focused on you. He was both confused yet glad at the same time.

"You two know each other?" Owen asked, raising an eyebrow.

"Yeah, Barry and my Mom were co-workers." You said, remembering his days at DMSS. That was also where you two first met. During his time there, he acted as both friend and mentor to you. He had a lot of experience and also helped you train. Seeing him go was one of the saddest moments of your life.

"Wow," Owen nodded.

"Yeah," You whispered to Barry. "I'm here on a mission." 

"So, she finally let you," He noted quietly. "It's about time."  

"Yep." You agreed.

"How are you doing so far?" Barry continued, crossing his arms. 

"I just started." You answered, "Donnie said that Hoskins was coming--"

"Owen!" Hoskins smiled, walking towards him. "I knew you were the right man for the job."


"They're not always like that," Owen explained. A fake smile appeared on his lips. "Sometimes, it gets pretty messy." 

You then followed Owen, Barry and Hoskins as they were going down the stairs. They were talking about a lot of unnecessary stuff, but one thing stood out from the rest. 

"A field test? With the raptors?" Owen questioned, "You're outta your mind, Hoskins." 

"Don't forget who brought you here." Hoskins stated, "Besides, you don't own them. They belong to Ingen." 

"They don't know that." Owen noted, "They're alive just like any other animal." 

"But, I saw the way you had a bond with those creatures." Hoskins replied, "We can use that bond and let them know who's in control. By doing so, we could save thousands of soldiers from the trenches." 

"And, what if they want to be in control?" Barry inquired. 

"Well, we let them know who's in charge." Hoskins replied, "Extinct animals have no rights." 

As they continued talking, you quickly attached the tracker onto Hoskins' shirt. You were thankful that it was small and unnoticeable.

"Well, this was fun, but I have to go." You waved, starting to leave. "It was nice seeing you guys." 

"Oh," Owen said, "Are sure you don't want to--"

He stopped when he heard a scream. In the raptor paddock, a guy fell inside trying to catch the pig. The four raptors immediately noticed and then approached him while growling viciously. The guy, fearful for his life, scooted backwards away from them. From up above, the other men aimed their tranquillizer guns directly at each raptor.

"Don't you dare shoot 12 amps into their bodies!" Owen shouted, "Otherwise, these animals are never gonna trust me again!"

The gates were opening up as he ran towards them. You watched as Owen held both hands up. He stalled them in their tracks as Barry grabbed the guy and then dragged him to safety. As the gates began to close, he sprinted as fast as he could. Owen made it out, but the raptors did not. They all clashed against the metal gates before regaining normality. It was almost as if it never happened.

"That was pretty fucking ballsy." You said to Owen. "You could've gotten killed."

"But, I didn't." Owen smiled, gesturing himself.

"Don't do that again though." You stated, starting to walk away.

"Hey, wait." He stopped you. "You wanna hang out for a bit. It's been a while since I've seen you."

"Hmm," You thought about it. "I guess I can spare a few minutes."

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