Chapter 16

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You were awakened by the sounds close to you. Fluttering your eyes open, you notice Zach hugging you from the side. He had a cute sleeping face while he snored softly. You were also surprised by the Brachiosaurus as well. She leaned in, opened her mouth and then clamped down on the leaves above you.

"Guys, wake up." You smiled, shaking the boys. You then watched her chew her food. "We have company."

"What are you talking ab--" Zach yawned, waking up but then froze when he saw the Brachiosaurus. "AH!" He jumped up quickly. "Oh my god! Don't panic! Don't panic!"

"You're the only one that's panicking, Zach." Gray smiled, staring at the animal in awe. "She's so beautiful."

"Are you scared, Zach?" You asked.

"NO!" He exclaimed before coughing awkwardly. "It just caught me off guard, that's all."

You broke off a branch and then held it out towards her. She blinked before taking a bite out of it. You smiled and then gripped the branch tightly. Gray grabbed a piece of the branch to help you out.

"I'm not letting go." You grinned.

Zach watched from behind. He was both nervous and impressed. The Brachiosaurus then went closer so that Gray could pet her snout.

"I think she has a cold," Gray told you.

"I'm sure it'll be fine." You told Gray before staring at Zach. "Do you want to pet her?"

"Me?" He pointed at himself. "Um, I don't know. What if it attacks?"

"She won't attack." You said, "We're not a threat to her."

"Okay," He sighed, moving closer towards the dinosaur. As he put his hand out, the Brachiosaurus moved away. Zach tried to coax her, but instead, she sneezed on him. Zach immediately shut his mouth and eyes as the snot landed on him.

"GOD BLESS YOU!" Gray called out as she left.

Zach was still frozen in his spot. You smiled sympathetically as you wiped the snot off him. It was so gross, but having snot being catapulted on him was even grosser.

"Hey, are you alright?" You asked him gently.

"Yeah, I'm fine." He replied. There was sarcasm in his tone. "Getting sneezed on by a dinosaur is no big deal. Just a regular Thursday."

"Well, it's a good thing you can handle snot." You smirked, "But, we better keep moving. We have to get back to the mainland."


"Are we there yet?" Gray groaned, staggering in his steps. You watched as Gray finally stopped to take a breather. He was clearly exhausted.

"To be honest," You heaved, wiping the sweat off your forehead. "We have a long way to go."

"We'll make it back," Zach said.

"I admire your optimism." You replied.

"Thanks." He smiled.

You froze when you heard vibrations on the ground. You turned, seeing a Gallimimus herd trampling behind. Your eyes widened while grabbing the boys. You transformed quickly into an Allosaurus and then ran with the boys on top of you. The herd finally caught up to you but gave you space to run. You immediately noticed a giant log in the field and then took cover. The Gallimimus jumped over the log as you protected them with your body. For a while, this continued on until eventually, it stopped.

"What were they running from?" Zach asked as you changed back into a human.

"Whoa," Gray smiled, "We just rode on an Allosaurus."

You slowly peeked over the log. The hybrid burst out of the trees and then caught a Gallimimus. She squealed in surprise as the hybrid grabbed her by the body. She shook the Gallimimus vigorously until all the life in her was gone. Taking a bite out of her, a spit of blood seeped through the hybrid's jaws and onto the dead body.

"Does that answer your question?" You responded to Zach.

"Yes." He gulped.

"Look at all that blood." Gray gasped, watching the hybrid eat. He was both fascinated yet scared.

"Let's get out of here." You whispered as you and the boys crawled into the forest. As soon as you arrived, you all got up. Taking a breather, you decided to check on your phone. Your eyes widened when you saw Hoskins's tracker near your area. You knew you had to protect the boys, but maybe you could also take down Hoskins as well. You started walking again, following the tracker.

"Hey," Zach called you. He and Gray then trailed behind. "Where are you going?"

"No time to explain." You stated, picking up the pace. "Just follow me."

When you finally arrived, you saw that Hoskins was on the coast with backup.

A/N: Obviously, this chapter is a reference to those two scenes in Jurassic Park. Honestly, that movie was iconic!

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