(Y/N): Good grief.

The white haired male's long hair slowly extended itself, wrapping around Naruto's waist and yoinking the blond boy over to the two Shinobi.

Naruto shook his head and looked at his waist. He yelped and jumped up at the sight of hair around him.

(Y/N): Come on, Naruto, let's go. We don't have time for anymore of your tomfoolery.

As (Y/N)'s hair went back to its normal length, Naruto turned to him.

Naruto: Eh? Why do you sound like an old man? Who says "tomfoolery?" Not even Granny Tsunade or Pervy Sage say that!

(Y/N): Oh, shut up!

Sai: Interesting. I didn't know your hair could extend like that.

(Y/N): Yeah. It's one of my powers.

Naruto: Well, I suppose you are an old man since you're the oldest one in our class even including Bushy Brow's team.

(Y/N): Shut up! 💢 I am not an old man! I am only 17 years old! Quick, Sai, how old are you?

Sai: I'm 17.

(Y/N): And when's your birthday?

Sai: Mm... November 25th.

(Y/N) slumped to the ground.

Sai: Oh... I take it I'm younger than you.

(Y/N) nodded his head as a cloud of gloom appeared over his body.

Naruto: Ha ha! (Y/N)'s an old man!

(A/N): (Y/N)'s birthday is anywhere in January to at most February 14. You get to pick, but due to him being an old man (😈) the birthday has to stay in that area. Sorry.


As the sun was setting, (Y/N), Naruto, Sai, and Sakura walked into Yamato's inn room where tons and tons of food was lying on a table. They were all in robes now.

Sakura: Oh, wow! I've never seen such a spread.

(Y/N): I feel like I'm dreaming right now.

Naruto: <drooling> It's amazing! Hey, uh, Captain Yamato?

Yamato: What is it, Naruto?

Naruto: What's the deal here? Is all of this really for us?

The four sat down at the table.

Yamato: Yeah. Go ahead and dig in.

Naruto: Yes! Thanks a lot!

Sakura: Thank you so much!

(Y/N): <mouth full of food> Thankb youb.

As they ate, Naruto grinned.

Naruto: If we get treated to a feast like this on every mission, then I say you can lead our squad forever, Captain Yamato!

Sakura: I second that! Let's hope that Kakashi-sensei doesn't get out of the hospital too soon.

(Y/N): Damn, why do you gotta do Kakashi-sensei like that? 😔

Soon all of the food was gone.

Naruto: Man, I am stuffed.

Sakura: Thank you for the meal.

Sai: Yes indeed. Thank you.

(Y/N): I feel much better now.

Sakura: Were you feeling bad earlier, (Y/N)?

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