40; time goes by.

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realised I never mentioned taekook made money 😅

Jeongguk bit down on his lips whilst driving. He was beyond nervous, he didn't expect the week to arrive so fast. Everything felt like it was happening so fast, he still thought it was the beginning of them dating.

"Stop stressing, they're not going to kill you," Taehyung joked noticing how the boy was on the verge of shitting himself.

"I know, I'm fine," Jeongguk reassured the boy even though he could feel his heart in his throat.

"Are you sure? You're about to arrive but you're driving as if you're going to go past," Taehyung pointed at the house that had two other cars already parked there.

Jeongguk cursed under his breath and began to park as well, eyes refusing to meet the adults who were talking with each other. To his surprise, his parents were there too.

He stepped out of the car and turned to Taehyung who didn't seem bothered at all, he had a smile on his face and hands reaching out for him.

Jeongguk then understood how Taehyung felt holding him knowing there were others there who didn't approve of it.

"Taehyung!" The boys parents immediately snatched him away, engulfing him into a tight hug.

Jeongguk's parents did the same and the boy tried his best to return the energy.

"I cant believe you two are already moving in," Mr. Jeon laughed as he pulled away and turned to the others who laughed too.

"Of course they are, since when did Jeongguk ever let Taehyung be alone?" Mr. Jeons comment let Jeongguk feel slightly at ease, but Mrs. Kim's silence terrified him.

"Let's go, I want to see already," Mrs. Jeon urged the boys who began to walk towards the place.

Taehyung glanced at Jeongguk who was taking silent deep breaths, shaking whilst unlocking the doors. He frowned and reached to hold his head but the boy stepped in and ignored him.

"Woah, this place is huge how the hell did you two afford it?" Mr. Jeon suspiciously looked at the two who just shrugged.

Taehyung checked on Jeongguk again who was stiff and only moving wherever Taehyung did. The younger was about to speak, however Jeongguk's parents suddenly called him over.

Jeongguk watched them leave to what would be their kitchen soon. He couldn't help but smile at how the trio got along so well and Taehyung had wide grin on his face. Taehyung was like a son for them, the boy had always begged Taehyung to sleepover since children.

It would have been the same for Jeongguk, but he had blown that chance away ages ago.

"Jeongguk, let's talk," Mrs. Kim's hostile voice caught his attention and he faced forward to look down at the woman, "So you two are dating now?"

"Y-yes," He cleared his throat and fiddled with his hands.

There was a silence between them and the woman nodded slowly, face never changing from disgust.

"I don't approve of you two, and I know that you already know why," She started off. Jeongguk felt his heart drop but he nodded anyway, "Taehyung's happy though, so I hope you'll stay good with him and keep him that way, take care of him like he will for you,"

"I will, I promise," Jeongguk confidently spoke.

"And I wanted to tell you to be patient with him, he told me on the phone he felt like a burden telling you any problems he had and I just want you to understand it'll take time," She sounded kinder which helped Jeongguk relax, "I don't want to put responsibilities on you, but Taehyung's got many problems since he was 14 and I know they never went away. Just take care of him yeah?" She smiled.

Jeongguk nodded and smiled back, hoping that she was done now. She wasn't, instead she began to tell the boy all of the things Taehyung needed done for him as if he already didn't know.

Taehyung turned his head back at the two and prayed his mother wasn't being harsh, he knew how protective she was. He then looked at his father who was taking pictures of the place with a proud smile.

"So you two are dating now," Mr. Jeon spoke and smiled at the boy who nodded eagerly, "I should give you the dad talk now, how does it go again?" The man cleared his throat and playfully glared at Taehyung, "You better not hurt my son, take care of him or else," he sternly spoke.

"I'll take care of him I promise," Taehyung giggled making the two coo.

"I'm glad he's dating you and not someone else," Mrs. Jeon patted the boys cheek with a fond smile on his face.

"Tae, let's go look upstairs," Jeongguk suddenly wrapped his hand around Taehyung jumped and nodded.

Whilst walking up the stairs, Taehyung randomly placed a kiss against Jeongguk's cheek who blushed, "What did mum say?"

"Just gave me the dad talk except it was the mother version and way more scarier," Jeongguk shuddered as they stepped into a large room, "Is this going to be our bedroom?"

"Yeah, what are we going to do with the other room?" Taehyung tilted his head, standing in front of Jeongguk who stared down at his lips.

"Whatever you want," He replied placing his hands against the boys hips.

"Really? Okay let's make it a sex dungeon-"

"Every time I let you do something you always pick the most horrid stuff," Jeongguk laughed shaking his head.

"Let's just make it a spare bedroom or something, I just know our parents are going to visit a lot," Taehyung suggested and as expected, Jeongguk nodded.

"Hopefully not too much, I want you alone to myself,"

2 more chaps left...

This book has been here thru my worst era and I wrote it in London and now I'm finishing it in London...

Come visit me 😜

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