36; the trios.

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"How come your two weren't in yesterday?" Jay asked whilst the trio leaned against a tree, Jeongguk occasionally raising his fists to fight off bees, "Fuck sake why do we have to sit outside,"

"Because it's nice and hot today," Jeongguk lied, the main reason was sitting on the opposite side of him with Jimin. He grinned as he watched Taehyung shyly whisper something to the boy who began to frantically wave his hands around and hold back screams.

"Did you hear that someone punched Ivan yesterday," Theo spoke up, staring at the ground with a bored face.

Jeongguk nodded, "He was talking shit to Taehyung so I punched him," he monotonously replied.

"Wow, that's an improvement," Jay mumbled and glanced at Theo who snickered at his remark, "How are you two anyway? Are you still dating?"

"Yeah it's been 2 months now actually," Jeongguk proudly stated, turning to the two boys who looked at him surprised but happy. Theo didn't look as happy, but Jeongguk decided not to start another fight.

"Oh shit, look who it is," Theo pointed past Jeongguk making all three turn to the university gates. Ivan walked in with two other males, angry faces etched onto them.

"Why did all three of them become friends? They're so perfect for each other actually, weird names and weird people," Jay squinted his eyes due to the sun shining directly at them.

"Who the fuck is called Riel," Theo jumped in, giving judgemental looks to the boy. The trio did notice them, glares were being directed at them as they got closer.

"Ivan is the weirdest, do you wanna know how he greeted me?" Jeongguk turned to the two boys who nodded curiously, "Hey I heard you hate gay people too," He held out a hand towards the two boys who visibly cringed and groaned.

"Fucking weirdo," Jay shuddered, clearing his throat and standing up straight when he saw the trio get closer to them.

Jeongguk bit back a smirk as he walked passed, and also held back the urge to punch him again.

"Hey I heard you're gay too, nice to meet you," Theo suddenly spoke up holding out a hand towards Ivan.

Jeongguk snorted and snapped his beard towards the two boys who were starting to fight as expected. Ivan was held in place by his collar whilst the other two boys dumbly stood behind him.

However, Jeongguk stared past them towards Taehyung who was watching the scene. The boy looked uncomfortable and dazed whilst Jimin was obliviously rambling on about whatever to him.

When Jay suddenly began to walk forward to throw something away, he followed just to get close enough to hear their conversation.

"So do you want to marry him?!" Jimin eagerly asked the boy who snapped back into reality.

"Huh? I don't know," Taehyung quietly replied, nervously rubbing his hands together, "I want to get better first before that because I don't want him to be with someone who's like constantly draining  your energy," he replied.

"He's your boyfriend Tae, he's meant to be there for you no matter what," Jimin reassured the boy who nodded in agreement.

"I know, but since we've dated I've been so depressed and it's all he ever has to deal with, it'll get tiring and draining if it's all I ever talk about," Taehyung explained to the boy who hummed understanding what he meant.

"Yeah that's true, but still you two should tell each other about how you feel cus that's how couples get married in the future," Jimin nudged the boy who blushed and shook his head.

Jay glanced at Jeongguk as they began to walk away and hesitantly spoke again, "What happened with Taehyung?" He could tell since the conversation made Jeongguk seem rather upset and annoyed.

"Nothing," Jeongguk not wanting to share their personal matters, "But he said that he tells me certain things but he never ever did, and now he's thinking he's doing it too much but I don't even know anything about his mood," he sighed a little annoyed by Taehyung.

"I don't know what the situation is, but it'll just take him time to open up to you. Don't forget when you were meant to be his best friend you were the opposite," Jay reminded him.

Jeongguk felt guilt wash over him at that, it was something he'd never get over too. He'd never forgive himself for it and nor will he ever ask for forgiveness.

"Yeah I know, hopefully he'll feel comfortable soon," Jeongguk replied back with a heavy voice. They ended up with Theo again who was getting in trouble with some teacher for starting a fight.

"Would you marry him?" Jay teased the boy who lightly laughed and shrugged.

"If he says yes, then I will,"

Gonna end the book soon now guys

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