Chapter 6 ᯽ Griever Chase

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I turned my head in the direction of the area I was referring to, which was a tremendously tall and long vine wall, and asked, "Who's saying there's nowhere we can hide him?"

"Nice eye, Y/N." Thomas exclaimed as he followed my line of sight. I murmured thanks as he began to walk with Alby; I immediately assisted him as we heard Minho complain behind us and hesitantly follow.

Alby's waist was secured with vines, which we had made sure they were strong enough to pull Alby up without breaking. In order to make sure he was okay, the three of us began to lift him up.

A Griever was heading our way when we heard a huge roar that was much closer to us than before; we had to run for cover quickly but not before we made sure Alby was safe, that much was certain.

"We gotta go, we gotta go now!" Minho whisper-yelled. 

"No no, just a little more and then we'll tie it off!" Thomas argued.

I made an effort to remain composed, "Minho, stay with me here, please. Please don't be a wimp and leave."

Before I could figure out who had stopped pulling, I could feel the weight difference from the person pulling, and all Thomas and I could hear was, "I'm sorry, Greenie."

"What!?" I yelled.

"Minho!" Thomas tensed, holding the vine firmly in his hands so that it wouldn't escape.

After Minho stopped pulling, Alby sank a little lower, but Thomas and I were able to use practically all of our strength to pull him and tie him up so he would be secure and protected.

"Y/N, we've gotta hide."

"There!" I indicated a little opening in the vines where Thomas and I might hide and ensure that the vines sufficiently covered our faces to avoid being seen. I was honestly paralyzed in dread but didn't want to display it, so we swiftly moved below and kept quiet.

Before what I imagined to be the legs and arms of the Griever came into view, you could hear the gears moving closer and see a shadow taking shape.

Holding onto Thomas' shirt for dear life out of fear that I could lose him with any sudden movement and be left on my own, I held my breath until it walked away.

Thomas began to leave the area, and I mentally kicked myself for following him because we were unsure whether the coast was even yet clear.

And this is when everything started to go terribly wrong: not only did Thomas step in some strange goo that we couldn't identify, but that same goo also landed on my Y/H/C hair and caused me to look up to the most dreadful creature I could imagine: a Griever.

"GO, THOMAS!" We were running for our lives as I yelled, letting our legs take us where we needed to go. Just when I thought things couldn't get any worse, Thomas and I split off and went in separate directions at a corner. I was too terrified to glance back to see if the Griever was even pursuing us at that point.

But as I heard the sound of the gears turning slowly stop, I made the decision to temporarily lower my guard and slow down to collect my breath. I just wanted to return to the Glade and see Newt and Chuck, even though my mind was racing and my heart was pounding. And I was going to do it because I wasn't going to die out here without at least saying goodbye.

Since no Grievers could be heard or seen, my luck seemed to have been on my side as I ran continuously.

That is, until I saw Minho turn the corner in front of me. At that point, my first instinct was to turn around and head back the way I had come. However, I understood what had happened when I saw Minho slow down and feel a wave of relief wash over him when he spotted me.

His Last Hope ⇰ Newt x ReaderOù les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant