"I don't really need to, it's my choice!" Ms.Shin said.

She than lifted up his chin and Jin didn't bother to look at Ms.Shin.

"Jinnie I know your crying, this is for the best!" She told him.

"No...no it's not! Why didn't you just leave us alone." Jin muttered.

"What do you mean?" Ms.Shin replied.

"I...." Jin then became silent and looked down.

Ms.Shin looked at Jin and kneeled down to see his face. "Go on finish the sentence." She said in a low tone.

"It's nothing you really need to know." Jin said as he looked at her and sniffed.

"Jinnnnie...." Ms.Shin then wiped the tears on his face.

"Leave me alone Ms.Shin." Jin muttered.

She then forced his hand to fave him and she looked him in his eyes. "Jin.. look at me."

Jin listened to her and looked at her trying to control his breathing.

"That's it, I can finally see your face fully." Ms.Shin said. "You're so beautiful Jin."

"Like a fully bloomed rose." She added as she than kissed his cheek.

Jin wasn't amused at all and he moved his face quickly. "Don't touch me." Jin said as he looked down.

"Hm.. fine." She let go on Jin and left the room.

All Jin could do was sit there and look around, the room, it was a little room and it had a couple lights in there. "Namjoon.... Where did you go.. please come back."


Namjoon sat at in the house and he folded his arms and sighed.

"Are you hungry or anything..?" Hoseok asked.

"No thank you. Hoseok.. I'm fine." He said as he looked down staring at his legs.

"Oh... okay. Would you like be left alone?" He asked.

"Yes. Only for a while." Namjoon asked.

Hoseok then got him some water and then went inside his room.

Namjoon thought that he didn't have the time to cry so he than did some research and went on his phone to go into Jin's instagram. He scrolled through some of the pictures and saw one with Ms.Shin in one of them smiling. "What happened to her..." Namjoon asked himself.

"Ah.... Jin please be okay." Namjoon said.

Namjoon then got a call from the police and he answered the phone quickly.

"Hello?" Namjoon answered.

"Mr. Namjoon, we've found the fingerprints of the people who were involved in this, you were clear that it was five boys right?" He asked.

"Yes sir." Namjoon responded. "Do you have a possible location?"

"Yes, we'll get to her house since we already have her information then investigate furthermore there." They told him.

"Okay... thank you." Namjoon said as he than hung up.

Namjoon stretched his body and he got up to get himself some water. As he got up he then heard a knock on the door and opened it.

"Namjoon!!" Jimin yelled as he gave him a hug worried for him.

"I was so scared! Is he okay! Where did that b* take him!!! Tell me!" Taehyung covered Jimin's mouth and hugged Jin from behind.

"Jimin!! Calm down the cops are dealing with it." Taehyung said.

"Yeah I.. just got a call from them." Namjoon said. As he let them in and closed the door locking it.

Jimin and Taehyung sat on the couch waiting for Namjoon to sit down.

"How did this happen?! We'll I know a little bit of the story but why would she do that?! She should've never touched Jin!! I swear she's going to pay for that." Taehyung said in a deep voice.

"I KNEW she was FISHY I hate her too she- she gets on my nerves I swear I will—." Jimin then was interrupted my Taehyung again and TaeTae told him to breathe.

"I mean.. If you want to hear some good news we were.. going to tell you guys that we were together." Namjoon said as he sat down on the floor.

"Huh?! Really!!! I knew it was going to happen." Taehyung replied.

Hoseok then walked in and saw everyone in the house. "Oh hello you too! I see you've heard about the incident."

"Yes!!" Jimin yelled as he picked up the pillow hugging it tightly.

"What did you guys do for it to even start?" Taehyung asked.

"Well...." Namjoon then began to talk about how the day started and how it ended.


How Do I Tell You ||NamJin|| ff Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt