chapter twenty eight

Start from the beginning

Before he knows it, he's holding his face and kissing him. He's trying to take all he can get for the five minutes they have, that he knows won't be enough.

Jaemin grins into the kiss, feeling elated at the males reaction to him. He loves that Haechan likes him and that he shows it, especially like this, when he's kissing him like it's the end of the world.

The whole five minutes is spent just like that but Haechan still pouts when they pull away.

"Remember, I have to drop you off so we'll have more time."

"One more kiss?"

"You are so fucking cute."

Jaemin squeals when Haechan gets shy and avoids eye contact. He peppers kisses all over his face before giving one long one to his lips.

Haechan sighs, trying to calm himself and not make the decision not to see Jeno at all so he can spend time with Jaemin. He does want to see him, he just really wants kisses.

Jeno's kiss felt nice too

Haechan clears his throat, focusing on finding his key to lock the apartment. When he's done, he feels a hand take his.

He smiles at Jaemin who winks. It heart flutters even more when Jaemin lifts his hand and places a gentle kiss to it. Haechan does the same thing, unfortunately having to let go right after to get in Jaemins car.

When he sits down, he feels Jaemin squeeze his hand again before it leaves him to turn on the ignition and then the radio.

"How are you?" Haechan asks, breaking their five-minute silence.

"Can you not tell how happy I am when I'm with you?"

Haechans heart does a flip and his brain freezes. The question taunts his mind, not letting him feel calm.

Jaemin almost thinks he does something wrong but then he catches Haechan glance at him. With not just any look, the same one he gives him right before he kisses him.

Dammit I wish I wasn't driving

"Finally", Jeno says when they knock on his door. "You brought food, right?"

"Yes, Sweetheart", Haechan says, stepping inside and pulling Jaemin in behind him.

When Haechan realizes, he panics not knowing what to do. He doesn't wanna just let go but he doesn't want questions. He almost wants to just let Jeno think whatever he wants but he's not sure if Jaemin would be okay with that.

Without looking up, Jeno asks, "You two hold hands a lot?"

"All the time", Jaemin answers. "We hold Jisungs hand too."

"I'm not surprised. You three are very affectionate."

Haechan chuckles. "You should know that."

Jaemin glances back and forth between the two, wondering if there's a hidden meaning in Haechans words or if he's just overthinking it. He doesn't exactly mind, he just wants to know what's going on.

Fully aware of the two talking but not caring to pay attention, Jaemin zones out, partially to avoid talking for the moment.

"Okay, what would you two like? Jaemin, I assume coffee?"

"Hm?" Jaemin asks, having only heard his name.

"Do you want coffee?"

"Actually, can you make me something sweet?"

"Literally make it taste like sugar."

Jaemin gently smacks Haechans arm, pretending to glare. The brunet sticks his tongue out at him and then smiles when Jeno's not looking.

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