Amy - Chapter 18

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Josh and I are queuing up to order our drinks in Starbucks, and I'm still a shade of crimson, stupid blushing.

I haven't said anything to Josh since he called me beautiful, and there was tension in the air.

I was going to tell him that I liked him, that was the mysterious confession I had to tell him, but now I don't know whether I should tell him.

Though, why not?

Wait, if he said he liked me too, would we have to date? I'm really not up for dating right now, I have exams, figure skating competitions and we would be teased relentlessly by our teammates.

I decide not to tell him.

"Hey Amy? What drink would you like?" He asks me.

"Cotton Candy Frappe please!" I reply perkily.

He shoots me a grin and pays for the drinks before leading me to a corner booth.

"So....." he starts.

"Thanks for the drink, it's really good." I say.

I really don't want to talk about us, or me and him or #Jamy.

"What was that thing you were telling me about?" He asks curiously.

"Oh it was nothing don't worry about it!" I breeze him off.

His face falls.

"I know you like me!" He blurts out.

I sit there, shocked.

"Elle told me!" He explains.


"Well, I" I say slowly.

His face lights up like a Christmas tree.

"BUT I don't think we can be together. At least, not yet." I say.

"But why not? I like you, you like me? What's stopping us?" He queries.

"I have school exams, skating comps, and we would be teased by our teammates!" I give him all the reasons I used to convince myself that this wasn't a good idea.

He isn't convinced.

"But what about US?" He asks.

I don't know how to answer that.

Before I know it, tears are forming in my eyes, and I stand up, grab my drink and run out of there.

He calls after me but I don't turn round, and soon he stops and lets me go.


Oooooooh! Drama!

If you were in Amy's position, what would you do?

Eliza xx

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