Amy - Chapter 9

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"I can't believe you fell over doing backwards crossovers! They are so easy, you clumsy idiot!" Laughs Elle.

"I know, and it's not my fault I got my skates stuck on each other!" I reply.

We both burst into fits of giggles, earning us some raised eyebrows.

We sit down on the benches and start unlacing our skates.

The doors bang open and the hockey boys come in.

Elle groans and Olivia puts her best flirty face on as the guys swagger past.

Olivia gets some wolf whistles but is otherwise ignored. She huffs and stomps into the changing room.

I am about to retrieve my bag from my locker when I feel someone tap my shoulder.

I turn round and am faced by a hockey guy, his name is Tyler I think.

"Hi I'm Tyler." He states.

"Um, hi." I reply.

We both stand there in awkward silence and I start whistling in my head and watching the tumbleweed fly past.

"Soooo....can I help you?" I query.

"Oh,yeah um I was just wondering what your name is because well I saw you the other day on the ice doing some jumps and spins and I thought you looked....." he falters.


I'm going to stop there because I want the next chapter to be Tyler's point of view! Sorry for the short chapters they will get longer as I go on!

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