Amy - Chapter 16

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"Hey, Amy?" Josh calls to me.

I ignore him, as I have been doing for the past week.

"Amy? Amy Amy Amy Amy!" He yells.

I lose my temper and turn around.

"What?" I snap at him. I'm really quite annoyed now, he has pushed all my buttons.

"Um, I was wondering if you would like to go get a Starbucks and talk things out, you know?" He mumbles incredibly quietly seeing as two seconds ago he was yelling across the rink.

Why the hell would he do this? I spoke the obvious and told him: "No."

He frowned and let out a surprised little 'oh'.

Suddenly I feel bad for him, I have been ignoring him and turning him down all week, being annoyed with him for something that wasn't really that bad.

I mean he already has enough on his plate without me adding to it.

I hear myself calling out to him.

"Josh - Josh wait.."

He turns, a hopeful look on his face.

"What is it Amy?" He asks.

"I actually am quite thirsty now, I wouldn't mind going to Starbucks with you." I admit.

A happy grin is plastered across his face, and I follow him to his car.

Elle grumbles at me, now she has to drive home alone. I shoot her a silly smile and tell her if text her later, I will tell her all the details.

She brightens up after that, and I feel better. I have made two people smile in the space of 20 seconds, that must be my new record!


Sorry another short chapter! I'be kinda got writers block with this story, I'm really sorry guys but I will keep going!

Eliza xx

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