Amy - Chapter 7

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"Right girls, time to run your routines, you're going to critique each other's performances."

Everyone groans, apart from Olivia.

No one likes critiquing each other's routines because you don't want to say anything bad about your friends!

But of course Olivia LOVES making other people feel like crap, and isn't afraid to call people out on their mistakes.

"Right, Amy, you can go first!" States Coach Penny.

I groan. Yay me.

I get into my starting position and wait for the music to start.

The music starts, but it's the wrong one!

"Coach, this isn't my music!" I say.

"Oh stupid Amy, she must have out the wrong CD in the player! That sounds like something she would do.." Smirks Olivia.

Yeah, right. I know for a fact that I put my CD in the player, someone must have switched it.

I wonder who did that....Olivia?


I wait for the right music to start, then glide gracefully across the ice in my first movement.

The routine goes perfectly, I nail all my jumps which I'm happy about.

"Well done Amy, an almost flawless routine!" Cheers Coach Penny.

"Well," pipes up Olivia. "Your foot slipped in the landing of that double axel and your face was grimacing throughout the whole thing," She pauses. "But unfortunately we can't change your face."

What cheek! I'm about to reply but Coach Penny beats me to it.

"Olivia, as you have so many things to improve, you'd better go next."

Olivia shoots me daggers as if it's MY fault!

"Sure thing, Coach!" She buttkisses.

I feel Elle shudder next to me. I know Olivia's sickly sweetness repulses her just as much as me.

Of course, Olivia also does an almost perfect routine too, recieving applause from Coach.

"Any critiques?"

I keep my mouth firmly shut, not sinking down to her level and dissing her in front of everyone.

"Elle? Any critiques?"

I feel her beside me breathing in, about to let out a long rant, and kick her in the shin. I mouthe "DONT" and she lowers her gaze and shakes her head.


The new girl on our team is quite quiet, and no one really has got to know her yet. She makes the rookie mistake of opening her mouth.

"Well, she could straighten her knees in her landings, and must remember to smile a little bit more?"

As Olivia shoots her a death look, I see Louise visibly pale and shrink.

I remind myself to introduce myself to her later, any girl with guts enough to confront Olivia deserves some respect, even if it was by accident.

As a few other girls run their routines and class ends I stay on the ice and run my routine a few more times, focusing on perfecting my jumps and landings, and even though Olivia was trying to spite me, I did her improvements.

The girl does know what she's doing.

I hear the big double doors slam open and the loud hockey boys clatter past reception and stand by the side, watching me.

As they're watching, might as well give them a show.

Throwing them a cheeky grin, I whip round the ice, doing a double axel double toe loop combination.

I then follow it up with some serious Mohawks and my fastest spin.

When I come out of the spin and skate over to the side to get a drink of water, I hear a round of applause.

"Wow, I knew you were good but not that good!"



As the boys trooped into their changing room, I come off the ice and plonk myself down on a bench. That tired me out!

I had earned their respect, and that feeling made me glow inside.

It was just a shame Josh wasn't there to see it....

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