Amy - Chapter 12

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After seeing Josh with his shirt off, even I was feeling a little flustered.

I try to snap out of it, and there's nothing better than learning a new routine to make you forget about something.

We each work on our individual routines, but the twist is that everyone has to use the same music. The music is I Knew You Were Trouble by Taylor Swift.

Olivia and I are grinning away, sassy routines are our favourite kind of routine.

I also see Louise grinning devilishly too, I really need to make friends with this girl!

Our MASSIVE rink (paid for by Olivia's Dad, shock horror) is big enough for us all to practice in our own individual space.

I race over to my favourite corner, with Elle hot on my heels. We usually race to the corner and whoever gets there first gets to stay there.

As usual, with my long baby giraffe legs, I beat her to it and she sighs and slumps off to the opposite corner.

Messing around, she turns round and starts moonwalking backwards with a funny face on.

Olivia bumps into her on purpose, knocking her down and making her look stupid.

"Elle!" She dramatically screams. "Elle, why did you push me over?!"

Elle snorts and laughs. "Yeah right! You crashed into me!"

Coach glides over and says "ENOUGH! Elle, apologise to Olivia and try and be more careful next time."

"And there WILL be a next time." Olivia sneers.

Elle throws me a disgusted look and skates off to get away from her.

I start throwing some ideas together for my routine, from old routines and little tricks I've learned.

After half an hour it's looking pretty good, and very, very sassy.

Coach calls us over to her and asks who want to go first. I put my hand up because I just want to get it over with and stop the jitters.

The music starts and I throw myself into a Mohawk backwards crossover triple toe loop to start my routine off with a bang.

The following 2 and a half minutes are filled with hip-shaking and several more jumps and spins.

As the music ends, I throw my hands in the air and cross my leg behind me in my finishing pose.

Everyone claps, apart from Olivia, which earns her a scolding from Coach.

She goes next, and trips doing a double axel. Finishing awkwardly, she speeds off the ice, red faced. Serves her right!

Elle smashes her routine, and so, surprisingly, does Louise!

She has just the right amount of sass, and perfectly lands a triple combination. You go girl!

After the lesson is over, I walk up to her and congratulate her on her awesome routine.

She blushes and thanks me, we exchange numbers and walk into the changing room together.

I think Elle might be a little jealous of our new friendship, but I AM allowed more than one friend!


Hi! Thanks for 465 reads! Thanks for all your support! On Thursday I'm going to my cousin Jake's wedding, and then on Friday morning I'm going on holiday for two weeks and my holiday home doesn't have any wifi 😭😭😭😭 so I will write loads of chapters but I won't publish for a week or so but I will go to an Internet cafe or something 😂 so don't worry guys!

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