Chapter 18

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After leaving Drake in the general area Stephanie Meyer was in, and then vacating rather quickly once her body was found drained of all blood, Harry returned to the others. Drake had donated more than enough blood for them to use for Day Star, once he had been left on a new world where the hunting was good and the chances of his 'children' finding him were next to nil.

Blade seemed very pleased by this development, though he was a little disappointed. Very few people could give him a decent fight when it came to the sword, and from what little he saw of Drake, he was one of those few.

Fortunately Drake had no issue with sparring with Blade occasionally. Centuries of living meant he got bored very, very easily.

Loki snorted when he would later consider those he considered close contacts. It seemed where Thor pulled in the 'brainless hero' type of friend, Loki seemed to attract the neutrals. Even Wolverine liked him, and he normally disliked everyone. Even his own kind!

Then again, Loki wasn't likely to betray his allies just because he was being blackmailed. He was more apt to find blackmail of his own and ruin the lives of those trying to force him to give up those in his actual contact list.

So the fact he was the go-between for creatures like Blade and Drake to have their fun was an irony not lost to him.

It was only fitting a monster would make friends with other monsters.

Loki shook his head. It did no good for him to dwell on the stupidity of the Asgardians and their blatant hatred of the Jotuns. Yes, he was the adopted son of Odin and the biological son of Laufey, King of the Jotuns, but that didn't make him a monster.

The Hulk was monstrous, when he was angry at you, and you happened to have the bad luck of being in his way. In another time, Loki was a monster as bad as everyone claimed the Frost Giants were.

Harry, however, found it was easier not to give a damn about how people perceived race and preferred to let his actions speak for him. As he often said with an evil smirk, "I'm not evil, I'm a lawyer. I could care less who you are or what you've done so long as you don't piss me off personally."

It was ironic that out of all the Avengers, the most well-liked by the average person was Harry. Mostly because while Thor, Steve and Bruce could beat the bad guys, it was Harry who ensured that somebody help pay for the cleanup.

Setting up that law that stated any supervillain arrested and thrown into their prospective prison cell had to pay for any damages they caused was one of the few reasons he was glad that he chose to become a lawyer. Not only did it give the superheroes some very good reasons to avoid hitting things that aren't the bad guy, but it also meant the idiots who kept trying to blow up the world had to wait in order to pay for the materials until after they were done paying off their last attempt.

Truly, Loki was an evil bastard when he put his mind to it. Had he not been reborn as a human and forced to grow up, he would have been among those supervillains who had to pay for damages.


Tony walked into a familiar sight.

Harry, in the middle of a pile of tech to put something together to stave off his boredom. As a fellow genius with too much time on his hands, Tony could relate to the fact Loki got bored and needed something to keep his mind occupied.

"What did you come up with this time?" he asked, sipping his coffee.

Loki looked at him.

"Holograms. Portable ones to be exact. We have the technology to possibly pull it off, but the problem is that no one's bothered to do so. And considering Fury, in an effort to spite me, has put Natasha on a long series of undercover missions I cant happen to run into her on to kill the monotony means I don't have anything to do."

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