Chapter 3

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Harry stepped up to the podium with a smirk. He had graduated early with full marks and the highest honors...and had passed the bar exam with a near perfect score.

He was now legally a lawyer...and the fun part was that he had registered himself as a barrister in England a month after passing the exam again. So he could operate in both countries.

Oh the fun he would have ripping the magicals to shreds using only his words and the fact he knew they were magical.

It would probably take less time to join the magical courts, thanks to the fact that they knew what time turners were.

Harry gave a short speech, one that made a few people laugh, before he left the podium.


"Whatcha got there short stuff?" asked Darcy.

Jane had been surprised and relieved that Harry had remained on her team after he officially became a lawyer. In his words, he had put too much time into his degree to give it up just because he had finished his law degree.

"It's a book on a rather obscure set of laws. I love seeing the look of shock on people's faces when they realise they were outmaneuvered completely," said Harry, grinning evilly.

In this case, he was reading a book on goblin clan laws.

Suddenly his eyes fell on a rather old law that concerned right of conquest...and he began to cackle. Very evilly.

"Why do I get the feeling you'll be gone for a while once you finish your degree?" asked Darcy.

"Revenge is sweet!" cackled Harry.


In Asgard...

Heimdall shuddered. This was supposed to be Loki's punishment, but he was having far too much fun with it. How was Odin supposed to know that the humans had a job which was uniquely suited to someone of Loki's temperament?

He watched as Loki went back to England and began a series of events that would lead to the Magical community's ultimate downfall and reintegration with the normal humans.


Ragnok looked at the wizard in disbelief.

"You want us to ally with the muggles?" he said in disgust.

"Let's face it, the purebloods are just pushing around gold and calling it profit. However according to goblin laws, if the head and the heir of a magical line are declared legally insane, they lose all rights to their vaults and the gold goes to the one who set up their fall. The prize of conquest as it were," said Harry.

"I fail to see how this should convince us to write up a treaty with the muggles."

"The law makes no mention of the court having to be magical in origin. If you snap a wizard or witch's wand, they would have great difficulty proving that they are telling the truth...and with how out of date the magicals are..." said Harry, grinning evilly.

Ragnok stared at the rather arrogant wizard. Then he began to cackle, evilly at that.

With how out of touch the magical community was with its muggle counterpart, setting up the purebloods to be arrested and declared insane after a treaty with the muggles would ensure that they lose their precious gold.

"We want a percentage of the gold," said Ragnok.

"Deal. Twenty percent of the gold, but I get all the books after you've copied them for your clans. Ad first pick of magical artefacts."

"Agreed. Now, can you set up a meeting with the muggles?" asked Ragnok eagerly.

"Easily," said Harry.

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