Chapter 2

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Harry found himself in a room explaining patiently that he was a follower of the older religions, namely that of Loki. At most he would celebrate during important days and play a minor prank once a month, or if he was really bored, a big one.

At least Harry had a cover story for leaving England. He could claim that he had trouble controlling his ability to speak to snakes and it had drawn unwanted attention. None of the other students would even notice his presence now.

He was just another 'mutant' just one with more than a single power. And he liked it.


Two years after leaving Britain...

"What's this MRA nonsense about?" asked Harry.

"It's some stupid registration thing for mutants. They want us to out ourselves to the general public," said Bobby in disgust.

Harry blinked.

"Isn't that the same bullshit Hitler did to the Jews in Germany before World War Two started?"

They had recently covered that war and Harry had taken more than a passing interest in one of the aspects...specifically that of HYDRA and the mentions of an odd energy.

He had gotten reports of it from the American Ministry and according to rumor, HYDRA had been using some sort of odd cube device that had unlimited energy. For some reason, it stuck in his head long after he had finished his homework on the subject. Like a half forgotten memory of something.

"So what are you going to do now that you've passed those weird tests?"

"I was thinking of applying to a college. I heard there was an open spot for interns out near New Mexico," said Harry.

Another thing that had been bugging him was the name Jane Foster.

"Sure you'll be able to handle it?" teased Bobby.

"Why not? It's not like I haven't completed my magical education, or my normal one plus what Xavier insists we learn before we go out to the normal," said Harry.

"So are you going with Doctor Grey to this little meeting about the Registration Act?"

"I'm going as moral support and possibly act as the one to make counter arguments. Apparently I'm better at making reasonable debates than even the Professor," said Harry with a shrug.

Which was a bit of an understatement. Harry was the go-to mutant for getting out of trouble, and some of the kids had jokingly said his mutant name should be Silvertongue with how good he was at getting people to see his point of view. Strangely that name actually struck a cord with him, though he had no idea why.


Jean was up at the podium explaining mutation to a room full of politicians, most of whom didn't know anything about the mutant issue. Senator Kelly brought up some of the more noted mutants, most of which had already been brought to the mansion after being found out.

By the time he got to his Registration Act, Jean had already opened a link to her cousin. She would need his smooth talking skills to keep this from getting out of hand.

"Senator Kelly, are you a fan of history by any chance?" she asked.

"I fail to see what this has to do with your report, Doctor Grey," said Kelly with a sneer.

"It is a fact that before World War Two, Hitler and the Nazi party were extremely biased against anyone who didn't fit their ideal of a perfect German. Gypsies, Jews, anyone who failed to fit their Aryan profile was persecuted. It is well known that before the Holocaust, Jews were forced to wear a Star of David on their clothing to identify their faith."

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