Chapter 14

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Harry's first test with Sif and the Warriors Three came when news of unrest reached them from the other realms. With the recently repaired Bifrost, Harry had volunteered to join them in battle.

(He was very bored and Asgard wasn't that interesting to an Aesir who grew up there).

Harry not only helped Thor and worked together with him, but to the shock of Thor's closest friend he used Mjolnir as a weapon...rather awkwardly because he was unused to the hammer's weight, but the mere fact he was able to lift it at all spoke volumes of his character.

Thor's beloved hammer was notorious for being very finicky about who it allowed to wield it.

There was also the fact (to the bafflement of Sir who had noticed it in the first place) that Harry was actually humming as he struck down the enemy.

When she asked Thor about it, he had laughed and said that it was something Harry had picked up from being around Tony for too long. She had no idea that Tony Stark had a habit of listening to music during fights to kill boredom. Harry had picked that up because he had spent months since the infamous trial which got the American government off Tony's case about the suit as one of his rare actual friends.

Thor had to actually drag a grumbling Harry to the victory celebrations, mostly because he knew that his brother would end up in the library if he didn't.

Harry didn't like spending time with the Asgardians. He felt that they were rather boring as a people. They were so self-assured that they were superior that they had grown complacent. There was a reason why he would rather be on Midgard, Coulson's revenge for making him a woman with a well-placed prank (via Natasha's subtle dosing of a cup of coffee) for an entire month notwithstanding.

Harry took Thor's not so subtle hints that he needed to loosen up with practiced grace...he dealt with Tony regularly after all.

He traded half-hearted barbs with Thor, who didn't seem to mind.

Sif, however, was observing Harry. Harry, who was Loki but not.

Thor openly admitted that while Harry was in fact his brother (mostly because he was Loki in another form) he was not Loki entirely. Yet he still called him brother despite that fact.

Sif did not trust him, if only because he had been Loki before he became Harry.

Though finding out he could use the hammer had done much to at least give him the chance to prove he wasn't an evil bastard as his previous self was.

"I do believe Lady Sif has a crush on you, son," said Frigga in a tone mothers everywhere used when they were openly amused by their children. She enjoyed the fact that Harry allowed her to call him son openly, something Loki had been unwilling to do a few years before Thor was to ascend to the throne instead of him.

"I believe it's less of a crush and more of a suspicion that I am merely trying to worm my way into everyone's good graces before I betray everyone again," said Harry dryly.

"Allow your mother a few moments of self-delusion please," she said amused.

"I am many things, but delusional is not one of them. Loki was a child of the worst sort, and he damaged quite a few bridges that I am only starting to repair. Tales of me using Thor's hammer, inexpertly due to inexperience, but still using it, are already circulating around Asgard. The more I act as part of Thor's group, the higher the chance people will start to open up, or at least quit shunning me behind my back," said Harry. "But I will admit his spell work was second to none on Asgard."

He held up a hand to stall Frigga's denial of the truth.

"I am no stranger to being the subject of idle curiosity from sheep. And thanks to the area I was banished in, I got plenty of practice learning to ignore their muttering behind my back. I find it easier to tally the bad and come up with an appropriate response later," said Harry flatly.

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