Chapter 8: A Chestnut in the library.

Start from the beginning

As Spike was putting back in place a few books that Twilight forgot to reorganize, he felt a tap on his shoulder.
Looking to see who it is, He comes face to face with what he can only realistically describe as a hedgehog with green quills, or maybe a Big Weasel with a green shell?
It's not an animal that he's ever seen before, that's for sure.

"Hey dude, Do you know where the portals or teleportation magic section is?" It asked him. Now Spike, Spike knows this Library like the back of his claw, he has two if he wants to clean up after every mess Twilight makes, And she makes a lot of mess.

But a Portal and Teleportation magic section doesn't exist here. However there is a shelf with books dedicated to the theories and study of spacial magic, Many of them older than even Shining Armor.

Telling the creature, He walks with him over to a ladder next to the shelf.
"You mind holding this While I grab your books?" Spike asks the rodent as he pushes the bookcase ladder over to the right section.

Climbing up the Ladder, Spike grabs three different books about Space Magic, and brings them down to the rodent.
Giving them to him, He thanks him and walk towards a small table, opening the first book and starting to read.

As he watches the rodent read the book, even grab a small stack of paper with a pen in order to write down some notes, He notices someone tapping his leg. Looking down, He sees the small white bunny that came over with Fluttershy and the green-shelled weasel.

Seeing the cute little bunny pulling on his leg and pointing at a bookshelf, Spike can't help himself but "Awww" At the cuteness of the little animal.

Seeing that he isn't understanding what the bunny is telling him, The bunny turns over to the green and brown weasel and squeaks out something.

Looking over his shoulder, down at the bunny, The Weasel nods and turns over to spike.
"Give him the biography of Lord Buzzwax the third, A Breezy noble from the fourth century of the solar calendar"

Looking at the weasel in surprise, Spike asks him "How did you understand what he said?"
Looking confused, the rodent returns with "How did you not? How come you understand what I'm saying but not him?"

"I don't know! Maybe it's because you're speaking Equish and he's speaking bunny talk?" Spike answered loudly, Grabbing the attention of the two ponies at the other side of the room.

"Spike, What's going on?" Twilight asks as she turns away from Fluttershy in order to check on the ruckus.
"This guy can speak with rabbits!" Spike yells as he points a finger at the brown and green rodent.

"This guy has a name you know. It's Samuel, But you can call me Chespin" Chespin told him.

"Spike, It's normal for animals to be able to communicate with each other. We learned about this back at school, Cape Confetti's codex of Wilderness and Wonder, It's in the third lesson." Twilight told him as she pulled down a schoolbook from a shelf, giving it to Spike.

"No Twilight, I know that animals can communicate with each other, It's just that he told me what the rabbit wanted, and seeing that I understood what he said, and not what the rabbit said, wouldn't that mean that he has a unique, animal communication ability?" Spike tried to explain to Twilight. Who instead of agreeing with what he said, seemed to fixate on a different point.

"You can understand what He's saying?" Twilight asks as she looks at Chespin, now back to flipping through his book, stopping every once in a while in order to write something down.

"Yes! What? Do you not understand what he's saying? He asked for books about Teleportation and Portals, I gave him ones about Spacial magical theory. The bunny asked for a biography of an old noble from six hundred years ago by the way."

A Walking Chestnut (Pokemon x MLP) (Cross post from Fimfiction)Where stories live. Discover now