Chapter 4: A Chestnut doesn't want anything to do with the plot.

Start from the beginning

The Green and brown animal looked at her, and then at Angel. "Ches?" It asked Angel with it's eyebrow raised.
Angel answered with a small squeak.

"Then I guess It's settled, Let us just stop by the library first, I think I need to pick up a book." Fluttershy then placed Angel on her back, where he quickly hopped into her mane to have something to grab. She then turned to ask the new critter if he wanted to sit on her back too.

"Ches Chespin" It doesn't look like it weighs Nine Kilos, And if Fluttershy remembers her math correctly, that's almost twenty pounds. But it did say it had no problem walking.

I Didn't expect my first meeting with Fluttershy to go like this, But it wasn't the worst scenario in the world, I could have found her dying in a ditch, That's a terrible scenario for a first meeting.
You can't have a conversation when one party is bleeding out on the ground.

I don't know why we're going to the library, But at least I won't be sleeping on the ground for another night.

After a minute or two of walking next to the yellow pegasus and chatting a bit with Angel, We reach the Library, Which is surprisingly not empty.
Why are so many ponies gathered up here?

As we Enter the library, I notice that I can recognize some of the others.
There's the white unicorn who held the curtains on the balcony, Then there's the blue pegasus who tried to fly into Nightmare Moon And finally I can recognize the Purple Unicorn that identified the horse as who she was.
What is going on here? Is this a- Oh no...

Oh no no no no no no!
Nuh uh, No way! Nope!
I am not getting involved with this!

I know this world follows some type of cartoon logic, If the Nice animals and talking colorful ponies weren't enough to clue you in.
But an actual Hero group tasked with defeating a villain? Nope!
Why else would all of these essentially random ponies that barely know each other gather together in one place on the night when a millennia old evil has come to threaten the peace?

These are the main characters of a show...
And I just walked with one of them to the meetup with the others...

As it turns out, The purple unicorn, Named Twilight Sparkle. I'll never get used to those names. Learned about Nightmare Moon in a prophecy and the only thing that can stop her are these McGuffins called the Elements of Harmony.

"-But I don't know what they are, Where to find then, I don't even know what they do!" She tells the group.

I'm just glad That I seem to have been forgotten in the background, just how I like it.
As the heroes of this show talk amongst themselves, I pick up a book and flick through the pages. And I learn something amazing in the process.

The words are in english...
I can read and write here!

As I flip on to another Page, I feel something light tap my shoulder. I turn to look, It's Angel, He's pointing at the door and at ponies that just exited.
Most prominently, at Fluttershy.

"Put that book down, We need to hurry before she's too far to catch" Angel pulls on my arm, trying to get me to budge.

Now here I am in a dilemma, Do I follow Fluttershy with Angel, and help what I can consider my only friend in this place, or do I take this opportunity to read through some important books in the library, specifically survival and foraging.

Help a friend or Help myself?

"Hurry up! She's getting farther!"

If I stay here to read, I won't have to endanger myself by stealing from carts anymore, I won't have to ask for charity all the time, I could actually do something to make my life here easier.

A Walking Chestnut (Pokemon x MLP) (Cross post from Fimfiction)Where stories live. Discover now