Chapter 12: Texts, Tunes, and Turns

Start from the beginning

If I ever have to hear the words 'sit down' again after I'm out of therapy, I'm going to scream.

With a slight grimace, he did as he was told and took a seat at the bar counter, somewhere he could at least kinda feel like he was part of the process. His talk with Katsuki had definitely improved his day, as it usually did, but until people stopped treating him like he was helpless his frustrations would undoubtedly be slow to cease.

I'm sick of being here, all cooped up and useless.

Really, it wasn't that every day was so bad. But today in particular–

Izuku sighed, tried to forget about his god-awful counseling appointment, and scrolled back through his texts with Katsuki in some form of distraction. Speak of the devil, though-

"How was counseling this morning?" Ochako asked, completely and utterly innocent. "You said today was supposed to be an important one, right?"

He scoffed, shut off his phone, and tried not to roll his eyes. "Yeah. Supposedly, that's what this was."

Kirishima frowned. "What was so bad about it, dude? She's trying to help you, you know."

"Yeah, and she never believes me when I tell her I'm doing just fine." He groaned. "Wanna know what she tried to pull today? She asked me about medication. As if I need something else on top of the drug cocktail I have to take for my legs. It's ridiculous."

Ochako had busied herself washing off carrots as he complained. "There's nothing wrong with being on medication, you know. Did she suggest getting you in contact with a psychiatrist to prescribe you antidepressants or something?"

He rapped his fingers against the countertop. "I mean, yeah. But I still can't believe they're trying to convince me I have depression, of all things. It's not like... not like I'm having major issues."

No answer.


"Midoriya... at some point, you're just gonna have to let them help you." Kirishima started. "They won't let you back on duty if you're not gonna comply, y'know."

"That's the bullshit part about all this." He muttered. "What kind of top hero needs that kind of help? My only real issue is the fact that my legs are in garbage condition right now, and yet, they insist on having me in counseling twice a week."

Ochako pursed her lips, but didn't push it further. "...anyways. Did you do anything other than that today?"

He shrugged. "Watered the plant. Walked around the hall a bit. Even took a look over the balcony. But, don't worry! I didn't go down the goddamn stairs!"

"You're always so snarky when you're bored." Ochako remarked. "Look, I'm sorry. You know getting groceries takes longer than you're allowed to walk around for. And remind me, what does your PT tell you?"

Oh, for fuck's sake.

"Don't exacerbate the injury." He muttered, having repeated that cursed phrase far, far too many times than should've been necessary. "I'll be out longer if I don't follow directions."

"Look, dude, I know you don't like it-"

"Don't like is an understatement." He hissed. "Wanna switch places? Be put under near house arrest? I don't think I've gone two days without a proper workout in years, and now, it's been almost two months since I set foot in a gym!"

"Know what? That's it. We're done arguing." Ochako groaned. "Izuku, cut up the vegetables. Eijirou, we're going in the other room."

Izuku grit his teeth, clenched his fists, and slowly, slowly, let them relax.

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