"A-Aleyna" I nervously mumble under my breath as I stare up at him. He hums in approvel as he ask me yet another question.
"Where are you from" the question takes me by surprise as I think of the words to say yet all I manage out is a nervous "what."

He seems annoyed with me as he doesn't even bother to repeat himself, he just brings his hand up bringing the cigar to his lips as he tilts his head back enjoying the euphoric feeling of them smoke in his lungs.

"I want you to work for me" he first out tilting his head back up to face me. I'm completely taken aback by the words that just left his lips. No way in hell will I do anything for this man he's the devil and any decent person who has commen sense can see that. He's a walking red flag just screaming for unright an- and wrong things I blurt out in my thoughts.

I stare back up at him as I don't even give the offer much thought as the words immediately leave my lips "no." He smirks at my response like he was expecting it, " How much" he grits out.

"W-what" look at me I'm a complete mess and I hate it,
"Cazzo, what's your price il pay you whatever the fuck it is"

His dark blue eyes stare up at me like prey, like I'm simply a good investment for him to get more money. And for some reason I hated how weak and pathetic that made me feel, I had no backbone I never did have one. The only place I would ever stand up for myself was my firm, it provided me something that I can't explain.

But yet here I am a pathetic little mess as the man sitting in his glorious throne acrose from me is just releshing in my weakness. Yet something in me fuels my anger as I stand up on my heels, adjust me dress and look the stranger in there eyes.

"I'm not going to work for you" I mutter out as I grab my purse,
"or do anything for you, I am well of and don't need your filthy money" I blurt out not sounding as confident as I hoped.

Yet this seems to intrigued him as one of his eyebrows raise at my boldness, yet also my fear. I walked out of the room or at least try until one of his guards grab me by my arm dragging me back.

That is until I hear his strong yet deep voice call out to the guard,
"don't touch her" he grits out in a warning tone. and when I turn my head to face him I freeze as I see nothing but death writing on his handsome features.

The guard immediately releases me at his command as I find my way down the steps to the rest of the club. Fear still in my body as I still feel his strong gaze on me.


I immediately enter the warm shower to wash away his dirty touch from my skin.

Yet as I'm scrubbing myself with my go to body wash I can't help but not think of him, think about him. For one who is he? I didn't even get his name for crying out loud.

I condition my dark curls as I gently brush throught my mess of curls.

But why do your care? I don't I don't care I can't believe I even considered working for him, yet something still ignite's a flame inside me that's wants to know more, that wants to see him again that's want to for once FINNALY experience something or someone fun in her life.

My shower thoughts or cut short as I turn of the water stepping out to go moisturize my skin and put on my fluffy pyjamas.

I hop into bed getting my laptop and deleting it on my lap as I turn on my show 'good girls.' I get my bag of fowning hot cheetos as I get comfy in bed.

I know I know I shouldn't be having the chips but there just so good and I've been craving them for the past 3 months and haven't eating them for the past 3 months- well until now.

Dad never really let me eat junk food, the only times I did was when I was with mom we would always go to some junk food place and endulge in snacks.

Father said that it would mess up my figure and that he didn't want a fat daughter. According to him I was already overweight to him and he sent like it one bit. he would most feed me salads an d other healthy food ps to try and make me lose weight.

To me honest I am a bit thick but that mostly in my thighs.
But I force my mind away from him and try to enjoy my little cheat day, that is until my phone starts ringing I sight in annoyance but smile once I see it's Anthony.

"Ali, Ali, Ali, when the fuck are you coming back I miss you." he whines out, I burst out laughing as I hear him whining like a little baby,
"aww how sweet Anthony, I can't really say the same tho."

And that's when I hear a overly dramatic gasp leave his lips, like he's in complete shock at my words. "Ali your real lucky I'm to sad right now missing you to come up with a comeback.

"I miss you too Anthony" "Oh wait I exclaim, you won't believe me but I saw the hottest man I have ever laid eyes on today" I blurt out in one fast breath. Anthony gasp yet again like he's in shock that I even met a guy. I swear he can be so rude sometimes I was a very nice girl before I met him.

An hour goes buy as I fill him in on the details about the devil, that's his nickname cause I don't even know his name. Well I fill him in on most parts I definitely left some key details out.

I fall asleep on the phone with him that is until a lound painful scream fills my ears as I jolt up out of bed in fear.

Sorry for the late update loves
I have been quite busy and lazy with school.

But that it I'm officially gonna change the main male character name,
I just don't know to what 😭

Anyways thank you for reading
and I hope you guys enjoyed
this small little fill in chapter.

Story ideas or things you guys wanna see 💡?

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