Sorrel (AU): *takes off his mask as he fires a dark blast* Take this!

Daiko (Prime): *transforms to super saiyan five as he stops the blast with his hands* Grrr!

Sorrel (AU): Impossible! Alright then, bigger! *powers up as the beam grows in size and power*

Daiko (Prime): *growls as he pushes back the blast*

Sorrel (AU): Bigger!

Daiko (Prime): *powers up as he then flies through the blast* Sorrel...!

Sorrel (AU): Bi—?!

Daiko (Prime): *punches his face and kicks him to the ground* Here it goes! *charges at him*

Sorrel (AU): Ow...huh? *sees Prime charging down* Ah great! *charges at him*

They both clash as Prime's tail punches Sorrel's gut. This stuns Sorrel as Prime knocks him out and powers down. He catches Sorrel and sets him on the ground.

Daiko (Prime): Okay...what is going on?

Jakuna: A training exercise. *lands behind him* I've been training all of them. You might want to duck.

Daiko (Prime): Duck—? *ducks a punch from Daika*

Daika (Vampa): *growls as she fires a blast*

Daiko (Prime): *jumps up*

Sorra (AU): *sends a kick towards Prime*

Daiko (Prime): !! *blocks the kick as he's sent to crash into the ground* Training?

Kohl and Kumara reappear as they fire beams towards Prime. Prime then closes his eyes as he forms a barrier and flies out of the hole and knocks them both to the ground.

Daiko (Prime): Well can you stop now?

Jakuna: Of course. Guys, you can stop now.

All: Yes Queen Jakuna.

Daiko (Prime): ...what?

Jakuna: Uhh...I may have had my own fun... heh...

Daiko (Prime): *sighs* Now that all of that is over... *spreads his arms out* Can I have a hug no—!

All: Yay! *every gets into a group hug but Jakuna*

Jakuna: Still not a part of this...

Daiko (Prime): You got me ambushed... *pulls her into a hug* Now you get squeezed by yours truly.

Jakuna: Really? *sighs* ... *hugs back and shoved him away* That's good enough. Say, where did you go?

Daiko (Prime): On a trip. I wanted to explore more, and get stronger, and learn new things about myself. And I got new clothes. Check it.

Daiko (Prime): Everyone over there looked like me

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Daiko (Prime): Everyone over there looked like me...except I was the only one with red fur. And I had a lot of fun fighting everyone. We should all go there sometime.

Sorrel (AU): You look good man. Missed you.

Daiko (Prime): Heh, I missed you all too. Now...let's get some earth food! The food over there is okay, but I like food from here more.

[I think I wrote more then I wanted but...meh, it happens.]

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