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You sighed as you were walking home. Although Kaito insisted you stay over for safety reasons, you kindly denied it as you didn't want to burden them further. 

As you walked back to your apartment, you could feel a presence following you again. You gripped your bag tightly and secretly pulled something out as you reached the corner of your apartment. The footstep quickened and turned as well, you quickly tasered them, but they blocked your hand before reaching them.

"You need more self-defense lessons. That taser won't work on us." the voice stated. You opened your eyes and saw Stacey in front of you. 

"Stacey-san!" you called. "What are you doing here?"

Stacey stays silent. He was still holding your arm and staring into your eyes. You tried hard not to blush as you tried to wiggle out of his grasp. 

As if he read your mind, he quickly released it. You put the taser back in your bag and asked him again. 

"So, what are you doing here?" 

"I heard you were attacked," Stacey replied. Although it was a simple statement, you could sense his concern and worry. 

"Ah..." was all you could say as you tried to avoid his gaze. "I'm okay now. Sorry for worrying you." 

Stacey was taken aback by the phrase. He was expecting something like, It's not your fault, or please stay away from me.

"Um..." Stacey cleared his throat, "I wasn't worried." he lied. 

You were a bit lowkey disappointed when hearing that, but again, as you told Kaito, There's no way Stacey would feel the same

Stacey regretted what he just said as he could see your mood changed a bit. 

"So----" was about to apologize. 

"Do you want to come up for some tea?" you asked, trying to divert the situation.

"Eh?" he asked.

"You came all the way, anyway." you pointed out. 

"Whatever. Let's go then," he stated. You beamed a smile that made Stacey's heart skip a bit. 

"Let's go then," you stated, grabbing his arm and dragging him with you. 

Stacey just casually followed and let you drag him without saying anything. Inside, he was a bit happy. It had been a while since he felt this small happiness rising inside him. However, it was slowly covered by fear of losing you. Knowing that Gege is already taken suspicious of his and your friendship, he worries that Gege might cause more harm to you. 

"We're here!" you announced. Stacey snapped out of his thought and looked at you. 

"Come in!" you waved to him. He just walked in. The apartment was small and comfy. Everything was neatly organized and the color blended well together. 

"Just take a sit there, and I will prepare the tea," you told him, pointing to the sofa. 

Stacey slowly walked over to the sofa and made himself comfortable. He scanned around the room. Tskk....this is just like her. He chuckled inside as he spotted tons of sweet treats being placed near the corner of your desk. 

He then spotted a picture of you and your family on the side of the sofa. Noticing you were busy with the tea, he glanced in closer and smiled brightly, seeing how happy you were with your parents. 

I wish I could see you smiling brightly like this every day. a random thought appeared in his mind. He then shivered and shrugged it off. What am I thinking?

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