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'Why are you asking that?" you blurted out and tried not to blush. 

"Yah, Kaito. That wasn't the question." Jyuran scolded him. 

"well...I am curious about that too. and look! you all are making her uncomfortable." Kaito pointed out. You look back and forth to the side, thinking of how to answer the question. 

"Well?" Zox pressed. 

"We're just friends." you stated, "or at least acquaintances." 

"Then why was he so keen on helping us to save you?" Zox asked. 

"Ehhh? What do you mean?" you asked, confused. 

"Yah, Zox. That's such a blunt question to ask. She might not..." Kaito reasoned. 

"That's why I'm asking her," Zox argued back. 

You looked at them frustratedly, "If you were talking about the time with the tennis ball incident, his goal was to save Yatsude-san. Not me." 

They all turned to look at you. An awkward silence rises. You looked at them, wondering if you stated anything wrong.

"Umm...is somebody gonna tell her?" Gaon asked. 

"Tell me what?" you asked. 

"Umm..." they all panicked. Flint just sighed. 

"I heard from Kaito that you, or possibly you, could also be one of the reasons why Stacey decided to help oni-chan tachi." Flint stated. 

Your eyes widened. 

"Ehhhhh?????" you exclaimed, "masaka...nah....you probably got it wrong." you denied. Stacey-san likes me?...Pfffttt...That would be one in the blue moon. Impossible. 

"Well if you say so...but I advise you Y/N-san, you should stay away from Stacey. He---" Vroom stated but you interrupted him. 

"Maybe there is more to Stacey than meet the eyes, don't you think?" you blurted out, surprising everyone with your defense statement for Stacey. Only Kaito smiled at you softly as he seem to be on the same boat with you. 

"You said you guys are barely friends, how are you so sure that he won't harm you?" Zox questioned. You turned to him. 

"Because he and I ---" you stated staring straight into Zox's angry eyes, "We share the same pain. We share the same solitude. That's why, I know, Stacey would never harm me."

The room became silent. You sighed, seeing that they were reluctant to accept your explanation. You stood up and excused yourself. 

"Gomen, Magine-san. I guess next time then." and left before Magine could say anything. 

After you left, Kaito turned to them. "I told you so, you guys shouldn't have been too straightforward." 

"Well, what do you expect? She didn't listen to our warnings." Flint argued back, defending her brother. 

"I already to you, Stacey is not that bad---" but he stopped as he could sense that they didn't want to talk about it. He sighed and went into his room. 

While Magine look longing at the door, she was upset that she lost the chance to talk it out with you. Maybe she should have invited you alone so she could confront you, but she guess now, she had to wait for a few days until everything cool down. 


Back at Stacey...

He could sense someone these days, eyeing his actions, but he couldn't tell who it was. No way it you, or Hakaiser. And definitely not that bastard as well. 

I guess you are starting to get suspicious I see. But you know, you are a key player in my plan right now. I cannot let anything distract you from ultimately reaching my goals....

I guess I shall manipulate that dump robot to send another monster down, but this time to get rid of that 'hurdle'. 

Stacey shivered down as he walked toward the room with Ijirude. 

"Yah, Stacey, you better accompany Hakaiser well this time. Guard him for now." Ijirude advised Stacey as Hakaiser is being maintained. He just stays silent as he always does. 

"And just so you know, don't think of hoping around the Human World today, we have important things to do," Ijirude stated. 

Stacey tried not to act shocked, Is it him? Does he know? Stacey tried to compose himself. No...don't overthink it, Stacey. You have to stay calm. You have to protect Yatsude. You have to protect her.

Flashback to yesterday...

Stacey's POV

I couldn't believe I let her drag me all the way here. I stated in my mind. Glancing to the side, I could see her continue to sip her cup of tea while thinking of something. 

Is she still upset? I wondered to myself. Earlier with that marks, they look like they were cut my her. Was she--- I shook my head, kicking myself in the brain. Why am I even thinking about her? Why do I worry so much when I barely know her? 

"Stacey-san, aren't you going to eat or drink?" she asked with concern. 

"I'm not hungry." I lied as my stomach let out a growl. She chuckled, "Yeah sure. Say that to your stomach, you double-mood-swing jerk." 

Double-mood-swing jerk?! What's with that nickname?! I stated in my head. I clicked my tongue and just grabbed the stick of dango and shoved it in my mouth. 

"Tasty?" she asked. 

"It's taste decent enough," I stated, it actually tasted delicious. I always missed this taste, if it wasn't for my identity, I could do this every day if possible. 

She just let out a small giggle before drifting back to her thoughts. 

"Yah. What with the marks?" I boldly asked her. She looked up confused. She followed my gaze and eye widened. She hid it and just shrugged it off. 

"It's nothing." she lied, avoiding looking at my eyes. 

I sighed, mentally regretting whatever I am going to say, "Don't do anything stupid, deep-thought maniac." 

She looked up, "what do you mean?" her voice sounded annoyed. 

"I mean if you need someone to talk to, tell me," I stated, looking away from her, slightly blushing. 

I didn't dare to look at her, unknown to me, she was also slightly blushing. 

"arigato, Stacey." she stated, without any honorifics. 

I just clicked my tongue and picked up another dango. I directly shoved it into her mouth, surprising her. 

"mhmmmm...." she muffled, trying to swallow the first ball, "Hey, that's dangerous!" she stated. 

"You did it to me last time though, so now you know." I reasoned before taking another bite. She fumed. 

"You too, Stacey." She suddenly called me. 

"What?" I asked. 

"If you need someone to talk to, I'll be there," she murmured, avoiding my gaze. I smiled softly but quickly hide it. 


End of flashback

To Be Continued...

Sorry for the long wait! I was at Singapore last week so I didn't have my laptop. And I will also be away from my electronics for a few days, following doctor's instructions. Hence, idk when the next updates going to be xD 

I still hope everyone enjoyed this chapter! 

Til' next time, 


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